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  1. TheGodofMusic

    Metal covers that are just as good as the original

    Iced Earth - Iron Maiden cover for sure.
  2. TheGodofMusic

    Florida Metal Scene

    Propoganda in Lake Worth, FL (aka West Palm Beach) is supposed to be pretty legit venue. I've never been but I been seeing some small nationals going through there. Metal scene in FL is good but could be better. BIG part of the problem is too many shitty bands content with being a half ass...
  3. TheGodofMusic

    Spotify label royalty

    wow, thanks for posting that. really insightful and helpful information.
  4. TheGodofMusic

    Kids cover of Painkiller

    The kids are good. Kid on vocals is ok. He doesn't have the projection and tone for it. Aside from that he's in key. They remind me of another band I've been hearing about in Jersey called "Rapid Fire". Same age as these kids only much better. Tim "Ripper" Owens calls the singer "Baby...