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  1. Nico16

    Flooding the forum -Episode 2 "The good old dayz"

    hmmmmmm...hmmmm....hmmmmmm... I need the damn album
  2. Nico16

    Octavarium has leaked.

    absolutely sucks fucking donkey dick. DT are dead. lol, not really ;) To be honest, I fucking LOVE the album. I like the heaviness, the downtuned guitars and the more straight forward songwriting. I wonder why most people here seem to dislike exactly those points ...I mean, after all this is...
  3. Nico16

    Dan's strange comment about Arjen Lucassen and Devin Townsend

    And you're the biggest idiot I've ever seen on these forums. (At least give me credit for being honest)
  4. Nico16

    Are you caged?

    a, b and d
  5. Nico16

    New Album leaked

    Whoa! Yeah that "flaming" aspect might be correct. Because "morals" hasn't much to do with this. Seems like some people here mistake me and other hardcore-fans who download the album as "PIRATES" who download but don't buy i.e. STEAL music. FUCK PIRATES! Keep this in mind: This...
  6. Nico16

    Anyone interested in making a net band?

    I could play the bass. But I don't have that much equipment. I've got a digital dual-band bass compressor that I can use as a DI-Box and plug the thing directly into my computer. The only thing I need is good recording-software. BTW, are you THE Dr. Extreem from the HDR boards?
  7. Nico16


    My top five are: Gene Hoglan, Asgeir, Per Möller Jensen, Derek Roddy and Kevin Talley. Ah , Hellhammer as well, but out of the stuff he plays on I only like Winds.
  8. Nico16

    New Album leaked

    I won't, but thanks for the info :)
  9. Nico16

    New Album leaked

    I searched for a "delete" button/option everywhere, but didn't find anything. All I can do is edit the text of the first post (which I already did).
  10. Nico16

    New Album leaked

    I didn't expect a negative reaction from anyone when I created this thread. I'd delete it, if I could. I just know that Mr. Townsend encourages people to download his music if they want to, because he knows that everybody who even remotely calls him/herself a fan, will buy the CD when it's...
  11. Nico16

    New Album leaked

  12. Nico16

    Books for metal bass guitar

    I don't know of any books that cover three-finger right hand technique and it's really a shame. BUT I know of a really, really good book full of finger exercises, that WILL improve your playing if you play the exercises correctly. "Bass Fitness" from Josequin des Pres. I hope you find it...
  13. Nico16

    News from the Amaran camp

    hey, you just made my weekend!! :) it's absolutely cool to hear that Robin is Amaran is still (or again) to 3/5ths of what it was when you started out :rock:
  14. Nico16

    Im out from Amaran...

    Yeah right, umm... I agree with you, celldweller, that Amaran's sound is something really special and that one great thing about it is the combination of high energy metal and melodic vocals that aren't in the typical metal style. BUT it's not "the formula" that makes the band great - it's the...
  15. Nico16

    Im out from Amaran...

    Hey Kari, your guestbook is broken... BTW, those four samples are more than promising (my current fave is "2") :rock: :Spin:
  16. Nico16

    New Winds Forum

    Hi, thanks for all the information... it sounds really promising! I still remember when I bought Reflections of the I 2 years ago took some time to grow on me, but now it's my favourite classic/metal album ever (and besides that it's got one of the best productions (soundwise)...
  17. Nico16

    New fan with questions

    me, me, me! total fuckin' necro. Heh, that would be so cool. And that would also be a nice idea for the making of the next album: Different vocal-tracks for different countries. e.g. on one track Marko sings in english and on the next one he sings in hindi or mandarin or something like that...
  18. Nico16

    Crimson Equipment

    The guitar parts that can be heard in the middle of the stereo-spectrum.
  19. Nico16

    New Material

    Hey Kari, in the news section you said that you're planning on recording the next album in about half a year from now. Do you already know how the new stuff compares to everything else you did so far? (i.e. will it be faster/slower/more or less complex?) Or is it too early to tell? I'm...
  20. Nico16

    Amaran Tabs

    What I've always asked myself is: Do you both, Kari and Ronnie, play leads? IMO your solos sound really unique, it's a real trademark for the band, I think. My favourite so far is the solo at the beginning of "Katharsis".