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  1. P

    Slipknot,Mudvayne Etc..

    dude I've been playing guitar for around seven years and I play Satriani and Vai, as well as Becker and Malmsteen and various classical stuff. I wasn't saying the playing on the new slipknot album was awesome or anything, but it sure did surprise the hell outta me. I made the loomis reference...
  2. P

    Slipknot,Mudvayne Etc..

    mudvayne are better than they are given credit for. LD50 is a very good album with mature and experimental song-writing. As for slipknot, I have their new one a spin and was surprised. The band certainly doesn't lack talent. There are guitar solos on the new album. Not pussy ones either...
  3. P

    Acoustic guitars...

    Hey guys I have two electrics and a really shit-arse "Magnum" acoustic which my parents bought second hand and I've had for six years... I think it's time for a new acoustic guitar. Does anybody know what kind of acoustic Mike uses primarily? I'm after one that plays really well (something I...
  4. P

    Least Favorite Album...and WHY?

    I love every opeth album... so I'd probably have to say the first two because I don't like the production....
  5. P

    Anyone hoping Steven Wilson..

    Hmmm... I don't really see what the big deal is about SW. I like PT, and I have Lamentations and it's obvious he does have an effect on the music but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. From what I gather, not many ppl are too keen on Deliverance and their newer work but for some strange...
  6. P


    I just hate buying second hand is all, especially when I can't inspect the guitar meself...
  7. P


    Hmmm nice... If you can tell me honestly why you're selling it and what nick it is in compared to when you bought it (sound wise etc. for example what shape are the pickups in?) I many just be *very* interested...
  8. P


    wowie this thread could not have come at a better time for me... I too am in the market for either the c1 classic or the slsmg. From what I've read (which is a helluva lot) the Schecter is slightly better than the SLSMG, mainly because it comes with more features. I read in a lot of reviews...
  9. P

    My discourse on Vehemence

    Hey man, I live in Brisbane and I play guitar \m/ The album... by the way... is fucken KILLER... :OMG:
  10. P

    Flower power

    oh i don't mind the black and death vocals n hte screamin n shit, it's just the poofter vocalist I don't like
  11. P

    Flower power

    blagh! NO!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!! But they're gaaaaaaayyyyyyy. *sigh*
  12. P

    Pink Thing

  13. P

    Flower power

    gragh. No. I'm sorry but you're both wrong. I know everything.
  14. P

    My discourse on Vehemence

    So I just got the newie.... listening for the first as I type... up to track 5... I have a distinct feeling that this album is going to own my soul... :)
  15. P

    Flower power

  16. P

    Flower power

    rahhrarhahraeh aglskfj fdslacja lc;has FUCK THIS SHITS ME Into Eternity make some fucken awesome music, but THE VOCALS FUCKING RUIN THE SHIT! Is it just me or can nobody else stand this fucken bullshit flower metal over wankery falsetto bitch squealing SHIT. FUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK. It's...
  17. P

    GODforbid the metal band from century media

    I reckon God Forbid are the most "metal" out of all the "metalcore" bands around atm... the music on their newie is modern thrash with an old-school flavour and a distinct heaviness about it and in some songs they border on melodeath. Plus they have Jeff Loomis guest on one song and the keyboard...
  18. P

    GODforbid the metal band from century media

    I'd put God Forbid's new album over anything I've heard from Lamb of God. Granted, I haven't heard all of their new album but I didn't think Black Label was as good as everybody hyped it...
  19. P

    GODforbid the metal band from century media

    rargh why does everybody suck off lamb of god? Yes they're good but I fail to hear what it is in their music that apparently makes them head and shoulders above any other band playin their kinda metalcore, thrash, death style