Search results

  1. MusicQuizKing


    Anything written and/or produced by Max Martin. Boy bands. '60s and '70s bubblegum.
  2. MusicQuizKing

    COLDSTEEL - 20 Years of NY Thrash

    Troy from Coldsteel sent me the new EP they are coming out with soon and it too is also great. I am really impressed with what Troy and company have done on the new and previously unrecorded material. When most thrash bands reunite after a long time away, the results are usually underwhelming.
  3. MusicQuizKing

    WORK OF ART @ Firefest 2012

    My friend Eric played keys with some of the bands and his stories are making me even more jealous! By the way, agree 100% about WoA.
  4. MusicQuizKing

    Are You on Spotify?

    If so, do you create playlists? I would love to add you if you do. I need more playlists to sift through while I'm working :)
  5. MusicQuizKing

    Underrated AOR/Hard Rock albums

    I remember listening to "She's Out With a Gun" over and over again when I was around 14. I was obsessed with it. In terms of underrated AOR albums, I could go on and on, but for now I'll say Fortune's full-length. I love that record!
  6. MusicQuizKing

    AOR/Melodic Rock T-Shirts???

    Does anyone know a reputable vendor that sells AOR/melodic rock band t-shirts? I'm looking for stuff from bands like Survivor, White Sister, Starz, Danger Danger, etc. They don't have to be originals. Thanks!
  7. MusicQuizKing

    VAMP - The Rich Don't Rock

    I heard the liner notes will kick ass :)