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  1. Wild_One69

    Bands similar to CoB?

    My bands debut album Clamoris - Opus Limbonica was released yesterday. If you like classical influenced melodic death metal take a listen! Usually people describe us as mix between Bodom and Wintersun. Full album listenable in most streaming platforms. If you want the best quality I suggest...
  2. Wild_One69

    Bands similar to CoB?

    The last single release from our upcoming album, which releases in October!
  3. Wild_One69

    Bands similar to CoB?

    Our second single release is out now! Some older Bodom influences in our stuff.
  4. Wild_One69

    Bands similar to CoB?

    Thanks for the kind words guys! I will be posting the other upcoming single releases here when they release. Full album coming out in October 2022!
  5. Wild_One69

    Bands similar to CoB?

    Thanks man! Aether Realm is a great band. Liking especially the Tarot album myself!
  6. Wild_One69

    Bands similar to CoB?

    Shameless self promo, but my bands new single release fits pretty well in this thread. Got some Bodom influences from their more neoclassical era. The whole album is set to be released later this year with two more singles dropping out before the release.
  7. Wild_One69

    EMG ABQ / Jackson JE-1000

    How is that comparison video coming along? :) Any material yet?
  8. Wild_One69

    The Children Of Bodom Gear Thread

    Any chance of sharing tone matched Kemper profiles of Hatebreeder or HCDR? Would be interested on those Neural DSP patches also.
  9. Wild_One69

    EMG ABQ / Jackson JE-1000

    Sound great. Really looking forward to hearing that comparison!
  10. Wild_One69

    EMG ABQ / Jackson JE-1000

    Which pickup did you prefer with the ABQ? Any chance for some audio material of it/them?
  11. Wild_One69

    EMG ABQ / Jackson JE-1000

    So I ordered Edwards Scythe Alexi Laiho signature and I'm currently unsure about the pickup. Maybe planning to put the EMG ALX set with the ABQ booster/eq, or Jackson 50bc with mm-04 booster/eq. They both seem to be copies of Jackson Je-1000, but are pretty different actually when you read their...
  12. Wild_One69

    Alexi passed away

    This reminds me, I shit you not, but during summer 2020 I had a dream that Alexi was dead and I was confusingly devastated by that in the dream. Like when people see their family member suddenly dead devastated. The sadness was really overflowing. When I woke up I was pretty surprised by how...
  13. Wild_One69

    Alexi passed away

    You perfectly described my current feelings. RIP Alexi, I will never forged.
  14. Wild_One69

    NEW ALBUM Q42 017/Q1 2018

    If someone would be kind enough to pass link for me? :)
  15. Wild_One69

    The "Let's guess who's the new axeman for COB" Thread

    1. Petri isn't a douchebag. Not wanking with fans after every show doesnt't make you douchebag. 2.Old Norther was almost 100% copy of bodom so they were actually quite close to each other. New Norther not so much. 3.Well I would rather see a bearded man(Petri) on stage with bodom than guy with...
  16. Wild_One69

    The "Let's guess who's the new axeman for COB" Thread

    This post is full of shit.
  17. Wild_One69

    Live Videos Thread

    Alexi's singing live is really good compared to last about 5 years. It's like Alexi has more power in screams. Also his playing is already much more clean than in long time. Good job Alexi! Funny how morrigan has really grown on me. It's IMO most old bodom sounding song in last 3 albums. Verse...
  18. Wild_One69

    "I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

    Exacly. People usually use drop C for songs that are in C minor. Lower C-note on 6th string will allow to play ''Low'' C -chord. Though not all C-minor songs are played in drop C. Ensiferum -Treacherous gods for example is in C minor but played still in E standard tuning. Some people seem to...
  19. Wild_One69

    "I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

    Morrigan is really starting to grow on me. I actually have pretty high expectations for new album because of Morrigan. Hope the feel remains the same through the whole album.
  20. Wild_One69

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    As said earlier theres slight timing problems through the whole song. Also I would suggest to practice muting the unwanted noise/strings with palm/fingers a bit more. Keep it up!