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  1. D

    Dag Swano and Ragnar Widerberg on the new Descenery album

    Hell yeah, thanks! By the way, we've been working on the new stuff which is going to sound heavier and more interesting than our first album. Following us on Facebook is a good way not to miss the updates ;)
  2. D

    Dag Swano and Ragnar Widerberg on the new Descenery album

    Dag, Ragnar and Dan also own the copies of this very limited edition! ;)
  3. D

    Dag Swano and Ragnar Widerberg on the new Descenery album

    Thank you too! The CD is already on the way to you.
  4. D

    Dag Swano and Ragnar Widerberg on the new Descenery album

    Got your order, thanks! I'll send the CD to you in the next few days.
  5. D

    Dag Swano and Ragnar Widerberg on the new Descenery album

    Finally, our album is available on CD! It may be purchased through Bandcamp now: You also can e-mail us (, so we can count the postage to your place and probably make it cheaper than on Bandcamp.
  6. D

    Dag Swano and Ragnar Widerberg on the new Descenery album

    Sure, I'll let you know when it's done, thanks :)
  7. D

    Dag Swano and Ragnar Widerberg on the new Descenery album

    Yeah, we're working on it right now. There will be the limited bunch of CDs at least.
  8. D

    Dag Swano and Ragnar Widerberg on the new Descenery album

    Hi, Allen! The album is available here:
  9. D

    Dag Swano and Ragnar Widerberg on the new Descenery album

    Hi there! We're going to release the debut album "Stillborn Monolith" on July 1 and we're honoured to say that Dag Swano (Nightingale) and Ragnar Widerberg (Witherscape, Shadowquest) are among the guest musicians on our album. The both musicians contributed amazing guitar solos to the songs...