Search results

  1. D

    Mustaine's riffage or Metallica's?

    Mustaine is way greater than Metallica ever will be. Wait till September,and I bet the new 'Deth record won't fuckin' sound like a NFG garage recorded demo.
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    The heaviest albums of all time

    Obituary "Cause Of Death" Death "Scream Bloody Gore" (IN that raw type of way.) Slayer "Show No Mercy" (Raw asa ll hell,and their best in my opinion. )
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    Cannibal Corpse "15 Year Killing Spree" box-set

    Yeah, I got this box-set on Friday. And, I must say, I am very happy with the selection of songs,and the DVD that came with it. The first disc, is all of Chris Barnes best songs when he was singing,and the second disc is all of George Fisher's best songs, including four live tracks. The third...
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    THE BIG QUESTION - Black vs. Death

    90% of my collection is Death metal So, I am ging to say Death
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    Buckethead anyone?!

    Buckethead > Slash I love Buckethead
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    What's everybody's favorte old school black and death metal bands?

    For me, it would be the following.. Old School Death Bloodbath (DURH!) Morbid Angel Obituary Grave Suffocation Black Metal Emperor Bathory (Pre-Hammerheart) Also, could some of you guys rcommend some good old school black metal with some cool keyboards like Emperor. Thanks guys...
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    Anybody else dig Buckethead?

    I certainly do. I am really digging "Bucketheadland" an d"Monsters And Robots". One of the best guitarist of modern day music. Anybody else listen?
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    My small review of Crimson II...

    After listening to Crimson II about 8 times since I got it on Monday, three times today out of those eight. I have came to a conclusion that this album/song is indeed on of the best albums/songs ever created. For those with doubts, I highly suggest you take a deep look into the music and buy...
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    How is Crimson II doing on the market?

    I got my order from blackmark yesterday as well. I must say it is the second best album I ever heard,the first being Crimson I. : )
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    "Windowpane" on Headbangers Ball...

    I never watched an episode of Headbangers Ball in my life before... And I just happen to turn to it when that Jamey dude goes, "Up next, Opeth with Windowpane". I was like, "Holy Shit!".. I watched,and thought it was interesting... Who else saw the video on Headbangers ball,and what did you...
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    Who do you hate and why...

    Hatebreed,Shadows Fall,Killswitch,emo,fake punk,punk,Cradle Of Filth (Dani bothers the fucking hell out of me). All of this Hardcore shit. People who mock others like myself for liking Opeth/Darktranquillity/Anathema/Dan Swano/ and anything that is more talented than Linkin Park.
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    If anybody is interested in pre-ordering Crimson II... has the CD, Crimson I & II Double vinyl, t-shirts,digipack,and poster for pre-order. I already pre-ordered the CD and double vinyl. This is in case anybody wants to pre-order this stuff... Thanks...
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    Opeth Song Survivor - Album Final! - Orchid (Vote for the BEST SONG) (BEST)

    "In Mist She Was Standing" just has that effect on me...
  14. D

    st anger owns all

    Yes, St. Anus is a real great album...:rolleyes:
  15. D

    Has Death Metal gone stagnant?

    I highly suggest you check out Grave. They are some real brutal shit that have their own sound in my opinion. They blow Corpse away in my opinion. Their first release was in the early 90's. Definetly check anything out off of "You'll never see..." album. Some of the best brutal death metal I...
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    Crimson II update

    Read my signiture for the thoughts on Dan...
  17. D

    Crimson - Too Repetitive?

    I like Crimson a ton more than that of Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness. I can sit down and listen to Crimson ten times,and it won't get boring. The first time I heard LODDOD is got boring about ten minutes in. The opening is really good, you can feel it real well,and then "blah!" is just dies...
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    Cradle of Filth vs Iced Earth

    I like the Iced Earth version. IT just captures teh song better, in my opinion.
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    Best Iced Earth Album

    For me it would be Burnt Offerings. The raw aggression of the vocals, and music is just great. You can feel the emotions coming from everybody,especially Jon. Something Wicked This Way Comes is a great album also. I love every track on it,but it is lacking something that Burnt Offerings has. All...
  20. D

    So who watched TRL today?

    Good Charollete are hypocrites.... THey bitch about rich and famous people, when they are fucking rich and famous themself... Oh well....