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    Power Quest news

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    Suggestions from U on early Maiden sound

    when i try and get a retro sound instead of playing directly into my computer, i play through my amp, with the arm prety loud but not too close to computer, i have a mic built into my monitor, that gives a nice meaty raw sound, but can get overly distorted if the amp is too loud or too close...
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    Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

    whats minted demonium is that gun-metal finish? what pickups do you have there?
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    Whats your Favorite scale

    does anywhere know a site with all the bass scales on? im somewhat ignorant when it comes to scales
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    Fitting Pickups

    i'm just about to sink a bartolini hummer into my washburn, its a direct washburn replacement same size etc, so should fit perfectly and sound immense!
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    slayers best album

    divine intervention
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    Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

    So here's my stuff, you'll notice that the 85' Washburn sarzo sig' is in pieces at the moment, as it needs some work doing to it. E.S.P LTD F-104 My first decent bass, can't fault it, amhoping to stick a set of EMG 35-DC's in there some day soon, when i can afford it. Make it a bit more...
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    Post awesome 5 string basses

    theres nothing you can do on a 5string you can't do on a 4 string, just pricier when buying new strings......
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    the mere fact that the word Goth has ever been assosiated with the skinny fuckers in black clothing fucks me off, goth is just another word for pissy little teen angst fucker..
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    Question on purchasing an electric guitar

    I'd go for a cheap E.S.P or Ibanez, my first 'decent' bass guitar was an ESP and ive never had any problems with it. Id recogmend them to anyone, and they're very reasonably priced.
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    distortion pedal !!!

    I used to own a DOD FX86 Death Metal Pedal, it was awesome, i bought it with the intention to use if with my bass, but it is a guitar pedal. It sounds awesome on my bass, so it would definatley sound immense on a guitar. I sold it when i got a big zoom fx processor. But it was amazing! GET...
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    Your Favorite Brand of Guitar?

    i only own a esp and washburn, i love both of them dearly, but the first bass i had was an ESP f104 and it's been faultless for years. Im hoping to stick some EMG 35DC's in it as it only has stock ESP soapbars, then it will be all i could wish for. Lovelley quick necks, quite a heavy bass... but...
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    Sinking Passive Pick-up Into Active Bass? Please Help me!?

    First of all, i know next to bugger all about electrics, but i recently aquired a 1985 washburn b50 Rudy Sarzo sig' bass, and have found a really decent looking Bartolini replacement pickup that should fit. I was wondering if first of all its possible to stick a passive pickup into an active...
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    Who here has a good neck?

    the warmoth site's great, i'd love to build my own guitar, i choose all the stuff id love on there but can never get enough money... looks really high quality gear though. :hotjump:
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    Which is the best Iron Maiden tribute song?

    although i hate them, cradle of filths hallowed be thy name, was a goodun dark tranquillity - 22 acacia avenue i like arch enemies aces high is prety cool. what about six feet under's wrathchild \m/ hah
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    Must have DVD's

    Rush - Rush In Rio Maiden - Rock In Rio Motley Crue - Greatest Hits anyone know how decent Dio - We Rock dvd is? who plays bass on it?
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    No more tabs :(

    i find is quite good... but alot of the tabs have been submitted by fuckwits missing a cromosome or something
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    from what i've heard. Garage band is alot simpilar than pro-tools, probably meaning that you can do less with it, i have tried using garage band, but not for recording my own stuff, just pissing around with the loops etc. but i know you can record into it. I need to update my mac, then im...
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    Favorite Amp

    Carlsbro, my Bass Bomber owns!