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  1. The Devil's Steed

    President Bush overturns Habeas Corpus?

    In this case, the 'increased use' is by those who have no intention of doing harm with the said guns, whereas otherwise the 'use' is exclusively by criminals. It certainly wouldn't lead to increased use by criminals since they already have full access to them if they wish.
  2. The Devil's Steed

    President Bush overturns Habeas Corpus?

    If 'accessibility' was a factor then banning drugs would heavily cut down on drug use. If someone wants to get something illegally it's not going to be that difficult to access. The only difference in accessibility is going to be between those who would use guns for legitimate purposes (target...
  3. The Devil's Steed

    Would you give up yourself to be happy?

    Seditious, I apologize for the misunderstanding. I've done some thinking on the issue and I'll make sure to get back to you soon (later tonight, hopefully). Expect an edit later that will hopefully explain my (somewhat rethought) views on the situation in a much more eloquent manner than I've...
  4. The Devil's Steed

    President Bush overturns Habeas Corpus?

    Guns are legal in the US alone in this study? False. Switzerland has a relatively low crime rate (as you showed) and they are armed to the teeth. Apparently every man in Switzerland is required own an assault rifle. That country is more pro-gun than the US and contains a much lower crime...
  5. The Devil's Steed

    President Bush overturns Habeas Corpus?

    Your American friend is full of shit. You must be 18, national law. That said, rifles are hardly ever used in crimes so this doesn't apply to your theory since it tends to revolve around the use of pistols and high crime rates. That said, accidental shootings of that nature are still isolated...
  6. The Devil's Steed

    President Bush overturns Habeas Corpus?

    How about a comparison between say...Canada and Switzerland, if you wish to play that game? :)
  7. The Devil's Steed

    President Bush overturns Habeas Corpus?

    You're using a few isolated cases to make a ridiculous claim about gun ownership as a whole. In virtually every country where guns were banned violent crime rates shot through the roof upon banning. They never level out to the low they were at pre-banning. It's rather easy to commit crimes...
  8. The Devil's Steed

    Reflections of the Fall

    Any particular reason you name the 1970s as a starting point?
  9. The Devil's Steed

    Reflections of the Fall

    Winter could also mean 'the rough time period'. Hopefully he'll clarify on that.
  10. The Devil's Steed

    Texts on suicide?

    To clarify, the most objective I can get is that I'm going to attempt to look at the different views on it and try to display a view on the subject that doesn't deny it due to religious reasons or take a knee-jerk emotional response to it. As for the religious texts..on second thought, this...
  11. The Devil's Steed

    Texts on suicide?

    I suppose I will end up arguing a view on it in the end, but I'm trying to do an analysis that takes different points of view into mind and tries to come up with something rather than just operating from one point of view and arguing for that. What I mean by 'objective' is I'm not looking for...
  12. The Devil's Steed

    Would you give up yourself to be happy?

    You were taking a (seemingly) rather agressive approach and seemed rather 'personal' about it. Sorry if we had a misunderstanding. What is it I don't want to give up? My personality in general, I suppose. My intelligence, (some) of my experiences in life, my ability to help people with...
  13. The Devil's Steed

    Would you give up yourself to be happy?

    I don't understand either, really. I'll take a look at that thread, thanks.
  14. The Devil's Steed

    Texts on suicide?

    Fortunately, I have that on hand. :)
  15. The Devil's Steed

    Would you give up yourself to be happy?

    Actually, I generally agree with this. One doesn't need to be a loopy moron with no brain to achieve happiness, however, the original premise of the thread seemed to be that you had to give up your mind to enjoy that sense of happiness. I was speaking in response to that; I'm not anywhere near...
  16. The Devil's Steed

    Would you give up yourself to be happy?

    :lol: Interesting grilling I'm getting. I do not have an alternative to 'being me' to be blunt about it. I know what would bring happiness (aside from the original premise of the thread), however, it's something that will most likely be unattainable. But, given the chance, I would seek...
  17. The Devil's Steed

    Would you give up yourself to be happy?

    It's not as much the value of being who I am as that I enjoy the value of NOT being mindless and happy for no real reason as I would be in that situation. I suppose you could say that I'm choosing the lesser of two evils. As for the second question, I fail to understand why everything a person...
  18. The Devil's Steed

    Would you give up yourself to be happy?

    I've never been a happy person by nature and I long ago figured out that only one thing is going to bring me true, long lasting happiness (excluding death) and this thing isn't likely to happen. Due to this, my views may be a bit skewed. No, I would not by any means change who I am for the...
  19. The Devil's Steed

    Reflections of the Fall

    That was quite beautiful. I also live in the south (Texas) and fall is always nice here.
  20. The Devil's Steed

    President Bush overturns Habeas Corpus?

    A gun isn't 'necessary' of course, but this doesn't mean a person shouldn't have one. Carrying a pocket knife isn't necessary either, but it's still useful to have around. Same goes for many other things.