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  1. cityofthemoon666

    Opeth in Australia

    i dont think either dyson or aidan are from the berzerker, but maybe, i know that the drummer from plague was... as for alarum im not sure but i think they are touring with necrophagist in canada at that time, or maybe thats sooner, im not sure
  2. cityofthemoon666

    Saw 2

    Both movies kicked ass, and given that two nobodys from Australia made the first one for a million and grossed like 65 mill im very proud
  3. cityofthemoon666


    we actually get all the NFL action on our payTV here, i caught most of last season, was disappointed that the Eagles lost ( I like them as my Team in Australian Rules Footy is the West Coast Eagles) and now the bastards are sucking ass, hmmmm, arent the bengals doing pretty well?? and the Colts...
  4. cityofthemoon666

    Open letter to those american who voted for george w bush

    Michael Moore does nothing but over-exagerrate speculation, he rarely provides evidence for any accusation, and even when he does its qustionable, and to ask the stupid fucking question of, "do you think we are safer now then we were before" is ridculous, it wasnt an action of the bush govt...
  5. cityofthemoon666

    why does closure end so abruptly?

    sweet smell of noob
  6. cityofthemoon666

    Report: Opeth loses

    well ive seen opeth in K*mart over here, which i think is the same thing, hell i saw damnation on sale in a FUCKIGN PETROL STATIon, in Australia, now that is the definition of reaching out ot a new market
  7. cityofthemoon666

    Ghost Reveries Cover Art

    hey man that seems pretty logical to me, why the picture of rosseau or whichever dude it is is in this thread i don't know
  8. cityofthemoon666

    The new album should be a single track!

    if the next album is a triple disc three part epic grindcore jazz album singing about goblins raping fish then i shall dance like crack eating ants
  9. cityofthemoon666

    An Insult To Metal

    dont i feel like a thilly gewth
  10. cityofthemoon666

    An Insult To Metal

    This is Related To Dimebag Darrel, Im not a fan of Pantera But i read this and thought it was pretty gay, a shot at all us metalheads Conservative Web Site Says DIMEBAG 'Contributed To Culture Of Death' That Spawned His Killer William Grim, Contributing Editor of the popular...
  11. cityofthemoon666

    'Warning: Explicit Language'

    my D1 and Ds both have those on, crazy, bloody Aussie beauracrats, no one gives a stuff about them in the world stage so they get a power trip down here hehe
  12. cityofthemoon666

    REAL music critics...

    meh they copied those ratings, it is exactley the same star rating for each opeth album as on Artist Direct
  13. cityofthemoon666

    Female voices?

    i spose i have to throw bjork into the mix not that i really care
  14. cityofthemoon666


  15. cityofthemoon666

    This is buggin' me...

    read the FAQ thats what its there for
  16. cityofthemoon666

    demon of the fall intro?

    Come On Mikey Mike lets us in on the DOTF secret
  17. cityofthemoon666

    Fifth Round: Best Two

    The Moor and April by a long way, love leper, but both those songs are the best
  18. cityofthemoon666

    Fourth Round Pool B: Best Two

    i went for SPD over When because SPD is the underdog and it blows me away whenever i listen to it, just that tiny bit more then When
  19. cityofthemoon666

    What happened to Johan and David?

    farafella is not anythinhg special, i can slap, listen to some victor wooten
  20. cityofthemoon666

    new album

    pr0m3th3U5 1S +r00 b1@ck M3t@1