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  1. tedvanfrehley

    HELLO and 2 New CD's That Rock Me!

    HELLO SIXXSINE MY BROTHER AND ALL THE REST OF YOU CRAZY MOTHERS! I was in a jolly good mood tonight and thought I'd stop in to say hello!!! I also want to tell you TWO new CD's I got that RAWK my everloving world. Ok so they're not metal but they are great Rock N Roll and I think everyone...
  2. tedvanfrehley

    Rebel Meets Rebel

    First off HELLO SIXXSWINE and TRANSSIBERIAN I want to tell you I have always loved you and you are a great man with Balls of Reinvented Steel From Hell that are Vulgar and Trendkilling! You sir are reading my mail. I couldn't agree with you more and I love David Allan Coe, Love Dimebag, so what...
  3. tedvanfrehley

    Hey Remember ME???? Get THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey all you crazy rivet head old school metal lovin' beer drinkin' hell raisin' hip hop hatin' sons o bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uncle Ted is back with some news to knock your bootie straight into the dirt! As you know I have been laying low for quite some time and LOTS has been going on but...
  4. tedvanfrehley

    peeking out from behind the curtain..tee hee

    Ohhh behave! You're going the right way for a smacked bottom! Ted Danger Powers
  5. tedvanfrehley

    peeking out from behind the curtain..tee hee

    LOOOOOK AT ALLLL THE PEOPLE HEEEEEERE TOOOONIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!! HOW Y'ALL DOIN"?????????? I love you all like Paul Stanley loves a fresh cucumber and Gene Simmons loves a dollar!! Be back soon... say hello to your ol' pal Ted.... more to come
  6. tedvanfrehley

    The Darkness....

    OK Thank you Swine for digging me out of my self inflicted depressed hell. THE DARKNESS baby!!! Just what Uncle Ted needed to get his fat ass tapping and his jelly belly shakin' and JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!!! Also, thanks for the nice JESSICA ALBA clip in your sig line, YOU SIR ARE A GREAT...
  7. tedvanfrehley

    Rock Star - KISS?

    Let me put it another way....KISS is more like a play than a band....It's MORE about DEMON, SPACE ACE, CATMAN and STARCHILD...these CHARACTERS in makeup and costumes....superheroes...that's why comics don't work with real don't work with real people...except the Wiggles...KISS is a...
  8. tedvanfrehley

    Rock Star - KISS?

    Man, this is a tough one. On one hand, I think it is absolutely the dumbest thing I've heard in my life...the difference between KISS and all the other bands Gene mentioned is that he's forgetting those bands still have actual original members intact...and each of those bands typically have a...
  9. tedvanfrehley

    Where are our MIAs?

    wyvern, I'll cut you a deal my vampire friend...I'll stick around if you'll tell me how to make that pic my avatar!!!!!!!!!!! I must have it. I must...the only thing that would make it better was if the guitar was striped up!!! Then I'd simply shit myself.
  10. tedvanfrehley

    Where are our MIAs?

    Ah, Hawk. My hero of all that is old school metal. You really know how to make a guy blush! hahahaha I'll stick around. Ted
  11. tedvanfrehley

    Where are our MIAs?

    Well well well! As I live and breathe. TEDVANFREHLEY, your favorite uncle, is back in hizzouse to drop the funky shizzit once again! How are all you rowdy sonsobitches?!?!?! I hope everyone is doing well and I hope all your balls (boys and girls! ) are still as big as gargantuan...
  12. tedvanfrehley


    Thanks guys...yeah, I have been pouring over ebay lately looking...I am hoping to actually spend UNDER $500 as that is my max...That's the only reason I considered the squires....some of those things are going for like $150 and I just figured, hey, as long as it stays in tune who cares...but...
  13. tedvanfrehley


    Hey guys... I have recently had to sell all my guitars because of financial reasons. BUT I have a bonus check coming in 2 weeks and am going to get something new!! I would like to hear some opinions from you afficionados out there as far as what is a great guitar for $500 or less...
  14. tedvanfrehley

    VH-1's Meet The Sniders

    Oh man, it may be a one time show and not a series...I actually saw part of it again this morning. Why is it that VH-1 shows the same show 1000 times?!?!? I also watched Some Kinda MENSTRUAL again last night. What a buncha pussies.
  15. tedvanfrehley

    VH-1's Meet The Sniders

    Anybody else seen this show yet? I can't help it...I like it. It's better than the Osbournes in the aspect that Dee Snider is not a complete brain fried zombie who's kids are rich and out of control. He seems to really be a great dad and down to earth. I once sent Dee a cd booklet to his...
  16. tedvanfrehley

    Blood Thicker Than Old School Metal?

    NOT TO WORRY! Your Favorite Uncle is here to help. Here's what you do. You wake up EARLY and get your ass down south to help your sister move. Come on, man. You gotta help your sister! You may move one day too! But get done in time to clean up and haul ass back up the road in time for the...
  17. tedvanfrehley

    A vote for the Swine....

    I just had a great idea tonight. Since Swine has become the new king of all media...I think we should form the SIXXSWINE ARMY and all email metal sludge demanding that he be made SLUDGEAHOLIC of the Month for September!!!! If he doesn't then we will surround their headquarters and play KISS...
  18. tedvanfrehley

    Off Topic: ANGEL - Frontwoman To Penthouse

    Fellas...come on! I'll bet that not a ONE of you would kick any of the above mentioned girls outta bed for eatin' crackers!
  19. tedvanfrehley

    What makes a good album ?

    What makes a good album??? It's gotta be real. There are so many great albums in different genres but the best ones in each always seem to have a certain energy or chemistry to them that never gets old...APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION. How many millions of times have you heard that?? And you may...
  20. tedvanfrehley

    Can anyone tell me about Arch Enemy?

    Put it this way...I am not a death metal fan. But I loves me some Arch Enemy. ANTHEMS OF REBELLION is the disc that I think is closest to Maiden on steroids, as you put it. I would say they're more like KILL EM ALL fattened up on steroids with vocals that grate on my last nerve but solos and...