Search results

  1. D

    fate of norns, should i buy it?

    ehmm... how did you come up with that? 14e is like 18 usd... or maybe you have a different dollar there
  2. D

    mjolnir necklace

    no offence, but that has probably to do with what you indicated as your location in the user info... :loco:
  3. D

    Your favourite porn star?

    Rocco :) no but miko lee, alisha klass, lisa harper, annabella and gauge are really talanted
  4. D

    The movie thread

    lol :hypno:
  5. D

    The movie thread

    "revenge of the barbarians??! :Spin: thats crazy...but thanx alot Tyra! cant believe that movie is so hard to find, it makes movies like the 13:th warrior look really silly... but then again its not a nice hollywood production...
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    The movie thread

    ok, here's a new thread about movies One of my favorite movies at the moment is "dark city", it's kind of in the same vein as the crow. Also I wonder if anyone knows how to find any of Hrafn Gunlaugson's movies "When the Raven Flies" and "The Shadow of the Raven"??
  7. D

    Writing melodic death - how is it done???

    it works like this: you say you are two guitarists? well, when you make a riff or even if it's only one note you tell the other guitarist to play something else. If you know scales you know which notes fits with the ones you already play-if not you just have to try until you find something that...
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    upcoming tour w/ Nile, Vader, Kreator and Goatwhore

    It's kinda officially the former bassist of behemoth
  9. D


    I don't think you have to afraid to go to any shows, if you don't live in these areas where people are desperate. It's indeed sad that things like this happens, but I guess their goal was fulfilled this time - the outside world took notice of what's going on...
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    And...whats up with you?!

    ehhmm, last time I checked Sandviken AND gävle for that matter was situated NORTH of stockholm... Have they moved it recently? :loco:
  11. D

    why is it that....

    Who cares what other people think really? I mean, for me that's what death metal is partly about-going against the grain and being who I want to be! The one thing I have reflected on is that a lot of bm-ppl seems to be shy silent, maybe that's their idea of being evil..? I personally wear my...