Search results

  1. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    If ye want Borknagar to tour, post here!!!

    It was at the Palladium downstairs... naturally, Ihsahn said "What's up, Wor-chester?" I think Simen got the pronunciation right. Interestingly, Divine Empire, who are American, addressed the audience as "Wor-chester" as well. :lol:
  2. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    If ye want Borknagar to tour, post here!!!

    Didn't any of you see Borknagar on their U.S. tour with Emperor several years back? Sheesh, some people have short memories! :lol: I remember that tour well... First, we had Divine Empire, who had two death metal vocalists--yet they sounded EXACTLY the same. Next up, I think, was...
  3. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Things you hate about Ireland

    Ballykissangel. The lack of forests. Or even woods. Or even two fucking trees within a mile of each other. The Cult of The Beautiful People in Temple Bar and all along the Liffey. Superstitious country folk who REALLY DO believe in ghosts and fucking goblins. Medieval attitudes...
  4. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Is hunting ethical?

    I respect both sides of this issue. I don't understand people who eat meat but are anti-hunting, though. It's okay to confine animals in pens and slaughter them, but hunting an animal in the wild (whose odds of survival are much better, obviously) is wrong?
  5. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    The Norse: not the last pagans in Europe!

    It is astonishing to think that Lithuania was not converted to Christianity until 1410 (officially), and that the populace kept their pagan beliefs for two-three centuries afterwards in rural areas. I have even read one article that asserted the continuance of pagan beliefs in rural parts of...
  6. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    I hate idealistic young leftists

    Few things are more annoying, indeed more loathsome, than the idealistic young left-winger. They are found in America, the UK, Australia, and also in continental Europe. Invariably the product of affluence... Here are some ways in which you might identify them: --Che Guevara t-shirts...
  7. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Steven Seagal Stories

    My brother worked in a restaurant. One night who but Stevie Seagal walked in. He a was a right cunt to my brother. My brother wanked in Stevie's dinner. True story. Never piss off the waitstaff.
  8. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    American groups/artists versus British groups/artists

    Largely correct, Mick, though I'm not convinced the state of music's any healthier in the UK. Unless you rate the likes of Coldplay... :err: Time for a Skyclad marathon.
  9. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    American groups/artists versus British groups/artists

    Britain vs. USA vs. Ireland, though: the UK still wins, but who wins the battle for second place? Let's see... USA: Hendrix, Slayer, Morbid Angel, Dylan, Faith No More, Agnostic Front, Cro-Mags, Misfits/Samhain/Danzig, Ramones, early Aerosmith, Blue Cheer, Trouble, Saint Vitus, The Obsessed...
  10. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    American groups/artists versus British groups/artists

    Britain wins (well, England wins, unless you rate the Manic Street Preachers and Big Country), although there are good groups from the U.S. That said, Britain's musical growth has come almost to a standstill after the mid-70s, barring a few good underground metal acts. Britain produces THE...
  11. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Bruder Cle is the coolest man in the world.

    I thought you should know that.
  12. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Do you believe in God (or a 'higher power'?)

    The percentage of educated, otherwise intelligent people who believe in God is astonishing. How can this be, in the year 2004? Something like 95% of Americans believe in the existence (and continued presence) of God... so it isn't just the toothless, Bible-thumbing twats in Alabama...
  13. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    i need help from an american

    Foulwing's right- it is learning disability.
  14. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Would you eat human flesh?

    We're all nice people here and we'd never do anything illegal to obtain it ;) but would you--in theory--try human flesh if the opportunity were presented to you? The people who so famously crashed in the Andes in the 70s survived on the flesh of dead passengers, and they claimed it tasted...
  15. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    What's your favourite part of England?

    Yup, that was me. When I was mugged in Toxteth, the fucking bandits took my jacket, my wallet, and had the nerve to take my shoes. Probably so I couldn't chase 'em. Pretty clever for a mong duo. Toxteth is THE ugliest place in Britain (literally and otherwise)-- and if you've been to...
  16. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Where was the Mine is Yours video shot?

    I can't think of any forested areas around Liverpoop... did you 'ave to travel far? Also, where in the 'ell did you find that catacomb in which Duncan and John brandished torches?
  17. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    What label would you like to see Anathema on?

    I'd like to see 'em back with Hammy, of course! That way, they needn't travel to Holland if they want good hash. :grin:
  18. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    exams, still exams...

    Ahh, exams... oh, to be back at that time in my life, when I naively and idealistically thought that anything was possible, that I would actually find a job after Uni that was both fullfilling and paid well. Foolish me for studying something in the arts. If you want a job, study business or...
  19. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Are Anathema from Toxteth?

    Yeah, I was mugged there! Toxteth is a neighbourhood in the 'pool. You'd probably never come across it if you only went to the Beatles museum, but NEVER go there anyway! :loco: Not everyone there's a twonking cobber, but many are. Even a Keano jersey wouldn't save you.
  20. Vinz from 'La Haine'

    Are Anathema from Toxteth?

    I hope not! :tickled: Lovely place, Toxteth. Never again, never again... you wander in in search of a pint, you wander out without your wallet, your jacket, and your sense of humour. BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!! :yuk: