Search results

  1. N

    Acceptable camera and electronic device usage

    I'm gonna say it, I got quite a few pics of a few bands (mostly shitty ones tbh) on a digicam (and yes we got in with it), being my first PPUSA I was honestly, totally ignorant of the whole thing til the velociraptor guy told me what was up, I then stopped but laughed as I watched him run all...
  2. N

    Acceptable camera and electronic device usage

    Who was that balding nerd running around like freakin mall security? Yes, I saw some people snapping a photograph here and there and then here goes that little twit running around like a velociraptor, talking to people like he owns the place. It seemed like he was spending more time bothering...
  3. N

    top 5 bands

    Iron Maiden Led Zepplin Judas Priest Queensryche Dio
  4. N

    Peter leaving

    Crap news, good luck new guitarist.
  5. N

    Need Symphony X

    Yea, a blowjob would be nice too.
  6. N

    Recomend me some prog metal.

    I've been listening to Pagan's Mind way to much lately, they are a great band.
  7. N

    Need Symphony X

    They don't have any southeast dates yet so I still am waiting in anticipation. I'll even drive to Georgia! New album/new much better can this get?
  8. N

    Need Symphony X

    COME TO FLORIDA That is all.
  9. N


    I've heard one song by them and I like it.
  10. N

    The link to buy tickets for PPUSA VIII

    Really, that soon eh?
  11. N

    The link to buy tickets for PPUSA VIII

    so how long until you think this sells out?
  12. N

    SHADOWS FALL.......

    On a better note, Into Eternity and Dark Tranquility are touring with The Haunted.
  13. N

    OZZFEST 2007......FREE

    All I can say is wooooopeeeedeeeedoooooo...
  14. N

    Let's learn theory thread

    After I read through the idiot guide and learn and understand the basics I'll definitely delve into more advanced reading. As of right now I can barely understand the Harmony and voice book's description. ;) BTW Curufin, you techno sig is hilarious.
  15. N

    Let's learn theory thread

    I just bought: This ought to be a good read for the next month or so. Good idea, thanks.
  16. N

    The truth about Dragonforce

    If DF headlined a Gamma Ray/BG tour I'd cry. I saw BG a couple months ago with some boring band and it was the most wonderful show ever!! I would have no problem seeing DF in concert if they weren't touring with such crap bands. Even though I'm not too fond of their music I would like to...
  17. N

    Metalheads and MMO's

    I like MMO's but I also like playing video games in general.
  18. N

    Let's learn theory thread

    Thanks a lot, I'm basically getting into guitar theory but general would also be nice seeing as I would love to play other instruments. Just knowing the things you COULD do would be amazing. The sites are very informative.
  19. N

    Let's learn theory thread

    So, I was wondering if we could link any sites/give any tips on learning some music theory. Where should one begin/where should one look etc? Refer books/sites/dvds/videos/lessons and anything that may be interesting. :notworthy
  20. N

    Rush tour dates

    I may have to travel to Tampa. Sounds cool.