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  1. MoonsOfJupiter

    15May04 Seattle Pics

    Nice pics! I can't wait for the Philly show.
  2. MoonsOfJupiter

    american bodom fans

    I'll be at the Trocadero show in Philly as well. :rock:
  3. MoonsOfJupiter

    Muslim jokes here.

    What do you call a piece of sandpaper in Afghanistan? A map.
  4. MoonsOfJupiter

    Iran hangs gay teens

  5. MoonsOfJupiter


    I guess that would be like 1993-2003. Holy shit dude! That's a long time! Serenades was my introduction to Anathema back when I heard it in '94. I like a lot of their new stuff too; I think there's at least a batch of good songs on every album.
  6. MoonsOfJupiter

    Milwaukee Metalfest

    I remember being all excited about going to the Milwaukee Metalfest back in 2000. So many kickass bands played that year. I was exposed to alot of unknown underground bands that I wouldn't have otherwise known about. The headliners were what drew me that year. I hate to have a snobbish...
  7. MoonsOfJupiter

    Most disgusting thing you will ever see!

    Or is the reporter from the newspaper I read that in even sicker?
  8. MoonsOfJupiter

    Most disgusting thing you will ever see!

    Of course something like that has to happen in South Carolina. Although the South isn't the only part of the US with fucked up rednecks. This one guy out in California killed nine of his kids who he fathered with his teenage daughters.
  9. MoonsOfJupiter

    'Duncan leaves Antimatter' official quote

    Can you think of a new joke?
  10. MoonsOfJupiter

    What Guitar do you have?

    I have a Gibson SG Special, a Teisco Del Rey surf guitar from the 60s, an Ibanez classical, a shitty no name steel string acoustic, and a Fender Squier student model guitar that I use as a backup at times. As far as pedals, I have a Big Muff, a RockTech analog delay, SuperChorus,and a Grunge...
  11. MoonsOfJupiter

    'Duncan leaves Antimatter' official quote

    *Yawn* Sounds like someone seriously needs to grow the fuck up.
  12. MoonsOfJupiter

    Dumbest member

  13. MoonsOfJupiter

    Rise Lord Vader

    I saw Episode III on Saturday. It's one of the few movies I've seen in the theater lately that I actually want to see again. I give it four :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
  14. MoonsOfJupiter

    fake anathema

    :lol: You should see how defensive the one dude from the band is getting on their forum.
  15. MoonsOfJupiter

    fake anathema

    Nah, I wouldn't drive hours to see them. Maybe if they happened to be playing at show I was at or sth.
  16. MoonsOfJupiter

    Fake Anathema

    Hi, I've never posted in here before. I really hate to talk about another band on this forum but I heard about a fake Anathema from Pennsylvania who won't change their name and their logo is a TOTAL ripoff of the real band (the swirly Peaceville-era logo). The reason this concerns me is that...
  17. MoonsOfJupiter

    fake anathema

    :wave: hell yeah
  18. MoonsOfJupiter

    fake anathema

    Fuckin' A, they're from Pennsylvania, I should hunt them down and fuck with them.
  19. MoonsOfJupiter

    fake anathema

    Those fuckers! I posted a message on their forum.
  20. MoonsOfJupiter

    G is for Gang Green

    Gang Green- I saw them with D.R.I once.