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  1. M

    Decent ezines?

    Just wondering what others are reading online.
  2. M

    Satanism and Metal

    Just a few thoughts. What is religion? Well I think it's the study and practice towards a greater spiritual freedom. Is it people torturing others to death because they have different beliefs? No it isn't, actions like that are not to do with religion. They are to do with insane people using...
  3. M

    Hahaha, What The Fuck Is This?!

    Image really shouldn't matter, it should be just the music that matters .... But when an image is that gay, well I don't think I could bring myself to listen to a band that looked like that. I dissapoint myself .. oh well.
  4. M

    The collapse of metal is imminent

    No need to be sorry. It started an interesting thread. Also your age has nothing to do with your maturity. There are people decades older than you with half the grace.
  5. M

    The collapse of metal is imminent

    Chris, not sure who that was aimed at. I don't see anyone in this thread who actually supports stealing money from artists by downloading their material for free. I do see people who think that being able to "try before you buy" has actually encouraged them to buy more music than otherwise...
  6. M

    The collapse of metal is imminent

    Yeah but that was only one person who said that, the vast majority of those that replied to that thread said they would rather buy the CD. While I agree with the quote from Wes Borland to a degree it's not the whole picture. The industry is dying because the major labels are run by musical...
  7. M

    Would you rather pay to download or buy the CD?

    I guess I would agree with the majority of the posts. I would rather buy the CD. But how about singles? I have normally only bought albums .. does anyone buy the singles .. particularly if that was all that was available? Example senario: New band, only has a single out, but you like their...
  8. M

    Would you rather pay to download or buy the CD?

    If the band's site had a streaming, full length version of the songs it would be an easier choice too. What if there was a three or four song CD single for sale? Would you still rather buy it or would you download the songs in that case?
  9. M

    Would you rather pay to download or buy the CD?

    I'm interested. IMO the big labels are shooting themselves in the foot by investing in two dimensional music and an unwillingness to develop good long term acts. Many of us are turning to the internet for decent music. I don't mind supporting the bands by paying for their music, I'm not...
  10. M

    What heavy rock/metal magazines do you read?

    Yeah I was waiting for this, since I visited their website and saw Terrorizer is British. Oh well ... my only excuse is though I'm living in the UK I haven't been here long, came from New Zealand recently. We use the word bloke in NZ too :)
  11. M

    What heavy rock/metal magazines do you read?

    I've had a look at the Terrorizer site, looks like a good mag. Do they cater for, for-want-of-a-better-word, symphonic style heavy metal/rock (jesus, genre distinctions are blurring!) such as Virgin Black for example? I see a review of Opeth there as well, so I gather they might. I'm...
  12. M

    What heavy rock/metal magazines do you read?

    Thanks for the responses :) I will look for Terrorizer on the net.
  13. M

    What heavy rock/metal magazines do you read?

    Just wondering ... we are a bit limited on choice here in the UK. BTW I don't mean virtual mags, I'm referring to the paper variety.