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  1. CandaceMP

    My Dying Bride - A Line Of Deathless Kings

    I flew from Pa to London just to see My Dying Bride and Novembre. I love mdb and this album is good stuff.:blush:
  2. CandaceMP

    Favorite comic books thread...

    I'll read any comic with Wonder Woman or Zatanna in it. I'm also a big fan of the Green Lantern.
  3. CandaceMP

    The metalheads car

    lmao that guy is SOOOOOOOOOOOO metal! :rock:
  4. CandaceMP


    lol its better that way then.
  5. CandaceMP


    Then your gf is either a retard (not to mention has bad taste in women) or possibly you said something to let her believe that it was ok. Like telling her you want to have a threesome or something. I've had that happen...But i think my story is worse....
  6. CandaceMP


    :Puke: i feel for you mike! its bad enough to be dumped but for a fat goth chick with a shaved head?! :Puke:
  7. CandaceMP

    I have a problem...

    Buy her some earplugs coated in superglue :heh:
  8. CandaceMP

    every south park and simpson ever made

    LOL definately a great episode
  9. CandaceMP

    every south park and simpson ever made

    Two other great episodes are "good times with weapons" when they buy weapons and butters gets a ninja star in his eye and the warcraft episode.
  10. CandaceMP

    How do you guys feel about?

    my favorite pizza is from a place down the street from me called gaetanos. pepperoni and roasted red peppers mmmm mmmmmmm!!! they use the big round slices of mozzarella. its so much better then grated cheese.
  11. CandaceMP

    The metalheads car

    life would be so sweet then wouldn't it? :kickass:
  12. CandaceMP

    Gay Myspace Profile of the day

    so you like her gunt/stomgina then? :p
  13. CandaceMP

    Gay Myspace Profile of the day Wonder Woman at her finest :zombie:
  14. CandaceMP

    Gay Myspace Profile of the day
  15. CandaceMP

    The metalheads car

    I prefer a tank. BUT its illegal to have one with the guns working. What fun would a tank be without the guns working?!
  16. CandaceMP

    How do you guys feel about?

    That sounds good to me!
  17. CandaceMP

    The metalheads car

    <This metalheads dream car Heres some links to better/bigger pictures of the lotus exige
  18. CandaceMP

    Gay Myspace Profile of the day

    sweet now i have a thread to post all the gay profiles i see. i like to browse through bands friends lists when i need to be preoccupied at work. so this will work out great! lol that tit pic is funny.
  19. CandaceMP

    How do you guys feel about?

    greasy pizza is gross. i only eat pizza from one place thats down the street from me. their pizza is awesome (and not greasy).
  20. CandaceMP

    I am now a Grandpa, as of yesterday.

    Congrats! Is it weird? I became an aunt on memorial day. My brother is only 18 so it was/is wierd to me.