Search results

  1. dslartoo

    Rate your favorite Sets of ProgPower in order

    Since I was only at the pre-show party this year: 1. Theocracy 2. Circle II Circle 3. Circus Maximus 4. Leatherwolf cheers, Phil
  2. dslartoo

    Theocracy show review from 6-23-06

    Hey all, So I went up to Athens GA (for what turned out to be a two-hour drive in heavy traffic and pouring rain on a NASTY Friday night) last Friday to see my friend Matt Smith's band Theocracy play a kickin' 30-minute set to close out Athfest. Unfortunately the band didn't get to actually...
  3. dslartoo

    Theocracy To Play ProgPower USA Pre-Party

    If anybody's still reading this thread, I just wanted to remark on the Theocracy show in Athens, GA on 6-23-06. Fantastic set (even if it was only half an hour, and even if it didn't start until 2 AM). Matt and company sounded EXCELLENT and put on a great show, very high-energy and full of...
  4. dslartoo

    Henry Rollins in Atlanta tomorrow!

    Crap. Wish I'd seen this before Thursday (I went to both the Thursday and Friday shows). Show report's at if anybody else cares. cheers, Phil
  5. dslartoo

    Thoughts on the ProgPower DVD anyone???

    Krusty, were you actually there this year? I didn't see you anywhere, and let's face it, you're pretty distinctive. :) cheers, Phil
  6. dslartoo

    Question about t-shirts

    Hell, if you folks have a problem with too-large shirts, just wash 'em and run them through the dryer a few times. :) That's my main complaint about shirts: most concert shirts shrink like hell. I bought an XL Blind Guardian T-shirt a few years back which is now a small size. Annoying. I...
  7. dslartoo

    Thoughts on the ProgPower DVD anyone???

    Once I got the sound working, it was a trip and a half. The crew stories and behind-the-scenes stuff kicked ass. Hell, it was almost worth the cover price to hear the story about John Macaluso and the drum heads. cheers, Phil
  8. dslartoo

    Trouble with audio on PP DVD

    Disconnecting my digital coax cable, plugging in a standard RCA audio pair and running it to the receiver, switching my receiver's input to that particular audio input and finally switching the input type to "Stereo" does finally allow me to get sound out of this DVD. But if you'll pardon my...
  9. dslartoo

    Prog Power 2005 Picture thread

    Hey, thanks! I'm glad so many of you seem to be enjoying my pics. cheers, Phil
  10. dslartoo

    Did you get your money's worth?

    I would have paid my Gold Badge price just for hearing Conception play "A Million Gods". Add to that the rest of their great setlist, plus Therion's venue-destroying set, and I would have paid for those two bands alone. cheers, Phil
  11. dslartoo

    Trouble with audio on PP DVD

    Hey all. Trying to give the new ProgPower USA DVD a spin today and immediately ran into trouble: I'm getting no sound from it at all. I checked the "DVD Easter Eggs" thread and saw that it's a stereo-only DVD, but my receiver is set to autoselect audio type based on the input it receives, so I...
  12. dslartoo

    Greetings from ORPHANED LAND!!

    Hey Kobi, Every year there's a band that surprises the hell out of me and turns me into a new fan. This year it was Orphaned Land, hands down. A fantastic set, very high-energy and very different musically from the many Dream Theater clones that make up the progressive metal world...
  13. dslartoo

    Please post all setlists from ProgPower here :)

    Oh, hey, cool. I've been away from these forums for too long -- didn't know Kobi posted here. I really enjoyed the Orphaned Land set, Kobi! cheers, Phil
  14. dslartoo

    Requests for VII?

    Theocracy Sonata Arctica Hammerfall Rhapsody (yeah, I know I'm dreaming) Ayreon (again: yeah, I know I'm dreaming) cheers, Phil
  15. dslartoo

    Best set/thoughts about them for Saturday night??? What do you say?

    They mentioned something about this in the interview that appeared in the program book. The orchestrations and keyboards are indeed controlled by computer (a Macintosh laptop offstage, if I remember right). Freakin' incredible set. I remember thinking during "To Mega Therion", "How can anyone...
  16. dslartoo

    Please post all setlists from ProgPower here :)

    Hee! I pretty much expected that. I'm going to have that fucker FRAMED; it is now one of my prize possessions. I got some great photos of Khan and Tore, too, but I wish I'd thought to get my picture WITH them. Ah well, at least I've got the memories of a great damned set from 'em...
  17. dslartoo

    What did you buy at PP?

    Good god, looking at some of these lists, I am feeling list envy. On the other hand, my bruised ego is cushioned by a great deal of cash that I didn't spend. :) My own (feeble) haul: PP USA DVD Pain of Salvation "BE" DVD Orphaned Land -- "Mabool" Sonata Arctica -- "Reckoning Night"...
  18. dslartoo

    Please post all setlists from ProgPower here :)

    Heh. Couldn't resist rubbing this one in a little bit. :) cheers, Phil
  19. dslartoo

    Festival Rankings

    1. Conception. Been waiting twelve years or more to see them in concert and this was a dream come true. 2. Therion. See above re: twelve years. They played the most intense set of the weekend in my opinion; the only reason Conception gets the slight nod is because Khan is my favorite vocalist...
  20. dslartoo

    Prog Power 2005 Picture thread

    Hey, thanks. I love this camera; I've only had it for a couple of months but it has taken some wonderful shots for me. It's a Canon Powershot S2 IS. The concert shots were all taken without a flash, as I was sitting behind the soundboard, too far back for flash photography. Most of them were...