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  1. SavaHexe

    PP USA V Official Photographer Gallery Online

    what else can I say???
  2. SavaHexe

    Metal Express Radio PP USA V review

    good one!!
  3. SavaHexe

    PP V picture thread

    great shots elfchief!! I'd like to use some for Jon Oliva's official website if that is alright with you?
  4. SavaHexe

    PPV Cheers and Jeers thread

    I have one question cuz I'm not quite sure although I read most of the postings in this thread. A lot of people mentioned that people smoked in the venue as jeer (understandably). I'd like to ask whether they did this "illegally" and just weren't prevented from it, or if smoking in the venue...
  5. SavaHexe

    we have added 6 Prog Power picture galleries in the meantime

    Hi :) I did not receive anything as of now. Did you send them to the email I sent you by PM?
  6. SavaHexe

    we have added 6 Prog Power picture galleries in the meantime

    to ......some galleries are really huge, some are small, some really extremely good almost semi-pro!! some amateur does not matter, what counts is that people send in their pics!! Thanks a lot to everyone for letting us use them, you all rock!! check them...
  7. SavaHexe

    PP V picture thread

    They are fine as they are I think, thanks :) I need to adapt them to our webgallery regarding size anyway. If I need them totally different, I'll sure let you know!! :) I'll let you know as soon as they are up! :-)) thanks again Anke
  8. SavaHexe

    My PP5 Website

    it's all good, no probs here! ;)
  9. SavaHexe

    My PP5 Website

    Lucinda, it wasn't meant offending. I only wanted to know what he wanted to say with it and furthermore could not really believe that someone would say something like that about Andy's looks........ that's all. Now that Sean himself clarified it was just a language barrier with me, I'm fine with...
  10. SavaHexe

    My PP5 Website

    ?? I did offend you by asking a question about a comment to a picture? why?
  11. SavaHexe

    My PP5 Website

    Bryant......I'm not takin' a valium, smartass, so chill out. It was a legit question. The Q. thanks for answering, as I also assumed it obviously could have been a "language barrier", that happens with so many foreign people on a message board, nothing that can be cured with valium though ;)
  12. SavaHexe

    to SinsandShandows and to SavaRon

    great!! :) thank you!!
  13. SavaHexe

    PP V picture thread

    Thank you :) PM me your name for the credits.........
  14. SavaHexe

    to SinsandShandows and to SavaRon

    I'd like to use some of your pics for the official Jon Oliva website, credits to you of course........let me know if that is alright with you. thanks :)
  15. SavaHexe

    My PP5 Website

    it would be nice if you answered my question The Q .........
  16. SavaHexe

    My PP5 Website

    hmmmmm.......what's up with this "a face only mother can love" comment beneath Andy B. Franck's picture?? This guy is one of the most attractive frontman in metal? You probably need glasses? Or did you mean the other guy on the pic? Or is it a language barrier?
  17. SavaHexe

    PP V picture thread

    some really awesome shots you all have there!! very cool :) SinsandShadows, SavaRon and esa, I'd love to use some of your shots on the official Jon Oliva website, credits to you of course. Let me know if that is alright with you!
  18. SavaHexe

    Yet another Pictures thread

    some great shots!!! would you mind posting a direct link to your pics in the sticky picture thread so everyone looking for pics can easily find them instead of having to browse the whole board?? :)
  19. SavaHexe

    My PP5 pics are up

    some great shots!!! would you mind posting a direct link to your pics in the sticky picture thread so everyone looking for pics can easily find them instead of having to browse the whole board?? :)
  20. SavaHexe

    My PP5 pictures....

    would you mind posting a direct link to your pics in the sticky picture thread?? :)