Search results

  1. E

    Angra's new album

    Kiko is way better than Kai.
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    Cradle Of Filth for ProgPower 6!!!!!!

    On the first night last year, I got sick and I fell asleep during SX, one of my favorite bands. A band who's live show is one of my very favorites.
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    Dragonforce Us Tour!!!! Second to last paragraph!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :OMG:
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    ARK guitarist?

    Who the hell is the new singer by the way?
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    ARK guitarist?

    anyone know what the ARK website is? Burn the Sun is one of my favorite albums eveerrrrrr
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    Glenn - make the announcement already!

    Dragonland Would Surely Participate!! :omg:
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    Judas Priest on Ozzfest?

    I think it would kick ass if Priest and Megadeth did a tour, being they are both reunited.
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    It's done....

    GROAT! :Spin:
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    It's done....

    hahaha, that would be cool if it were true
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    Opinions on Gus G. bands/projects

    All his bands sound the same except for Nightrage is slightly different. Personally my favorite is Mystic Prophecy - Regressus, but all his music is just recycled.
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    PP IV review in new Metal Maniacs

    Who is on the posters for the new issue?
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    Shadow Gallery: No

    Maybe it is Avantasia AND Shadow Gallery in one awesome combo band!
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    Wanted: Musician's in Southern California

    right now we are mostly looking for someone to jam with and probably play a few shows down the road. But I would like to keep intouch if we need someone to lay down some drum tracks in the future :Spin:
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    Wanted: Musician's in Southern California

    Anyone play drums, keyboards, bass or sings? :hotjump:
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    Mercenary Pictures

    NAILZ! how are you doing? I met Mercenary the night before the show while they were looking for their hotel, cool guys.
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    Anyone live in Southern California?

    I live in Glendora, which is right next to San Dimas (the city Bill & Ted took place) I am learning to play guitar, but I am just a beginner.
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    Anyone live in Southern California?

    I do, probably one of the fewer people who lives down here. Be cool to know other people around here that like the same music. :wave:
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    My PP5 wishlist/idea list.

    Sonata Arctica Masterplan Outworld Kamelot Last Tribe Gamma Ray Angra