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  1. S

    "I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

    I think 2 lines was more than what I did :P Also, yeah, almost 12 years, bloody hell, I feel old now. EDIT: Oh yeah, I feel old, cos, well, I am whahahah
  2. S

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Time for my yearly appearance on the forum. And once again I have moved to a new place, this time I'm only 150km from Gothenburg, so I suspect I will have to visit.
  3. S

    Mikael Stanne's vocals pre-character

    Wrong. Strike 2. Strike 3. Your opinion from now on should mean nothing to no one.
  4. S

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    I'm not here, I'm over there, see, yeah, right over there.
  5. S

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Well, I did make him cry, so I'm on the right path :muahaha:
  6. S


    Funny, I already updated to FF5 and it only takes 300mb (only 2 tabs tho), maybe FF just sucks on a Mac or your extensions suck balls. In other news, I gave up and got an Android phone, posting this from it, HTC Sensation. I fucking love this thing. It also dropped my PC use even more...
  7. S

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Last nite in Italy and not a moment too soon.
  8. S

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Arrived in Firenze and what is the first thing he does? That's right, mixes a fucking drink. My loathing for this man can't get much higher. And now he keeps commenting on every fucking thing.
  9. S

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Got on the train now and right away he got a giant bottle of Heineken from somewhere. At least now I can listen to music and ignore his blabbering. I think Lamb of God's Redneck is more than fitting.
  10. S

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    I get along well with my sister and mom, it's that assclown I can't stand, I think I've bitched about him before. And what a surprise, that idiot is already drinking. Every day it's the same thing 'I need a beer, I will order a gin and tonic', in Finnish, then bitch when the Italians don't...
  11. S

    Favorite DT lyrics?

    There is man in the tower, mute in a blinded world.
  12. S

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Fucking hell! Never travel with family. My wanna-be 'stepdad' is now pissed off and doesn't want me to talk to him. All because I called him an idiot to his face. Funny how he can dish it but can't take it, but that is how bullies are. He's just old fart of a bully. Just too bad he's ruined...
  13. S


    Well, finally updated to Firefox 4 RC. Only one of my extensions wasn't working, along with my theme, so that is no biggie and already replaced the extension (All-in-One Gestures) with another one and only lost 1 function which I use rarely, so overall, I'm happy. Now I just have to find a new...
  14. S

    all new "NP" thread -

    Possible the best Faith No More song ever: Just A Man \,,/-_-\,,/
  15. S

    Reading List Thread

    I'm reading 3 books at the moment, depending on my mood. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein The Summoner by Gail Z. Martin The First Law, Book 1: The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie I'd say they are all pretty good in their fields, while I wouldn't recommend The Summoner to...
  16. S


    ^^Gotta see that shortly, heard nothing but good about it. As for what not to see, here's a small list: Prince Of Persia Sorcerer's Apprentice Buried What might be good, but too boring to not have finished yet: 127 Hours
  17. S

    Which cd did you just buy?

    I's gots me all o' dem Lamb Of God musical discs. Dey bi rokin' \,,/-_-\,,/
  18. S

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    :wave: Still lurking at times.
  19. S

    Happy Birthday - 1.1.2005

    Man, 2005 is already 6 years old. They grow up so fast :lol: