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  1. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Chris Lasegue/Jag Panzer Live Video Clip

    Chain of Command @ KIT 2005
  2. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    New Reviews for Scourge Of The Light

    For the German readers .... pretty close to Highscore!,17597.html Rank 2 in the Soundcheck Sektion !,35.html...
  3. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Jag Panzer - New Recording Deal with SPV/Sony

    Ah ,cool!Looks much better .Why everything has to be on Myspace these days...:Smug:
  4. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Jag Panzer - New Recording Deal with SPV/Sony

    Just wondering... did anyone here find something about JP on the SPV homepage ? Me not..... Not even listed on the artist list of the label. Or am i blind ?
  5. Harry(not the Tyrant)


    I agree ,the new forum layout realy looks awesome .Looking forward for a T-shirt of the new album cover . ( do not like the one from the inner cover ,to be honest .A bit too cheesy ,in my opinion )
  6. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    New CD Artwork and album title

    Well,guess just sloopy work of . Otherwise i highly can recommend this shop for buying CD's . ( now should send me one copy for free ,:D )
  7. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    New CD Artwork and album title

    Didn't know about that !:grin: :grin: Limited edition ?:grin:tickled:
  8. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Song Excerpt From Scourge Of The Light!

    Killlller !!!!!!! Can't wait until february ! The beginning of the song reminds me a bit on old Yngwie Malmsteen....killer guitar work ,Chris !
  9. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Track Listing / Artwork "Scourge of the Light"

    Wow ,yeah,really awesome Cover !Looks like the Mechanized Warfare warrior is back ! .-)
  10. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    We're Finished Recording The New Album!

    Hell yeah ! Good news !
  11. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Band Update - August 2010

    Good news ! Thanx for the updates . Hopefuly more to come soon !
  12. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Jag Panzer - New Recording Deal with SPV/Sony

    Wow !Very good news !Hope they are going to promote them well !
  13. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Jag Panzer confirmed for Bang your Head Festival 2010

    Do you know if they also have to cancel the HOA ?
  14. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Jag Panzer confirmed for Bang your Head Festival 2010

    Unfortunately they cancelled the gig.Their jobs at home....,23550.html
  15. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Song excerpts of "Call to Arms" and "Cycles"

    Wow!Just a few excerpts,but it sounds awesome!Great solo stuff,Chris!
  16. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    New album title

    Well,REALLY time for some news ! Nothing going on here the last couple of weeks .
  17. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Website Updates

    Ha,ha,very cool vid ! Thanx for posting it !:rock::kickass:
  18. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    Jag Panzer @ Rock Hard Festival 2009!

    Great pix !Thanx Michaela! Tried to find a video of the gig on youtube without success . But i at least found this cool one !
  19. Harry(not the Tyrant)

    If Jag Panzer were to do a tour.......

    Well,all bands you mentioned are worthy ! I would add Crescent Shield ,Slough Feg ,Omen ,Armored Saint.... Oh ,Titan Force naturaly !