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  1. Evil Ernie

    Mercenary Tour Diary

    This is pretty cool...I will definetly keep an eye on this blog and keep dreaming about you guys touring to canada. Cheers!
  2. Evil Ernie

    record-a-riff thread anyone?

    Good job Moonlapse. There's a little fuck up with your clean tone, its noisy, maybe you just need to lower the volume or a few bands a bit. Playing is plain perfect, nice solos. What's wrong with The Amen Corner? God damn your sucky bands list is like my fav bands list (except for past...
  3. Evil Ernie

    record-a-riff thread anyone?

    Hell, that click track is loud.
  4. Evil Ernie

    record-a-riff thread anyone?

    Heard good things about Cubase. I use Cooledit Pro and its pretty easy to use. You can do multi-track recording easily. My guitar teacher is usigng Soundforge and it seems to be very good too. I'd give it a try.
  5. Evil Ernie

    record-a-riff thread anyone?

    @bball : thanks for the contribution, the timing is a bit off in some parts though, try playing with a metronome or some midi drum track, helps a lot. Well I'm going to answer this one since I started the thread. The original idea was to make a Opeth-riff thread, as we used to do, but let's...
  6. Evil Ernie

    record-a-riff thread anyone?

    I use Fruity Loops for my drum tracks. I think it's ok since my samples are pretty good, but I haven't tried anything else. The create-a-song thing could be a cool idea... I'm willing to write a riff and see where someone else could take it.
  7. Evil Ernie

    record-a-riff thread anyone?

    Guess this thread is doomed then. I don't think anyone else is going to take part. It sucks cause your recordings sounded really nice.
  8. Evil Ernie

    record-a-riff thread anyone?

    Back about a year ago we had some pretty nice Opeth recording going on. Feel free to record something else though, I don't give a damn. I think that the rating other ppl's riff idea wouldn't work that well on this board. *Waiting for Moonlapse to post a riff*
  9. Evil Ernie

    record-a-riff thread anyone?

    Can't find the old threads so I'll just start a new one. I just bought a Gibson Studio Les Paul and I wanted to record some stuff. This is a little Blackwater Park play along, I'm on the left channel, the original song is panned right. A few mistakes, its a very rough mix, but the tone is...
  10. Evil Ernie

    A call to photoshop bitches

    Ok now I remember why I stoped posting here. It would be nice if anyone could help with something serious. Or maybe you bunch of freaks pissed off all intelligent and talented ppl on this board. For those who asked, I'm just looking for a simple flyer with something along the lines of...
  11. Evil Ernie

    A call to photoshop bitches

    I need your help. I have an Opeth cover band, named Deliverance, and we are starting to do some gigs. We would need to have a flyer, something that would get the attention of every Opeth fan passing by. The thing is, we all suck with photoshop and stuff. I know a lot of crazy fans here are...
  12. Evil Ernie

    Kamelot - The Black Halo

    I wouldn't call Kamelot progressive metal... I've never been a fan of theirs, but I believe this album is pretty much my kind of stuff, maybe it will pave the way for me to enjoy their previous work. Next question is : where do you get this cd for the lowest price?
  13. Evil Ernie

    Kamelot - The Black Halo

    If I love the track you consider as the worst of the album, maybe I wont like the rest of the album. I'll listen to another one before deciding wether I buy it or not.
  14. Evil Ernie

    Does anyone have Serenity Painted Death Live?

    I once had this live SPD but deleted it. The sound is not really good on this version, there's nothing more to it than the original recording. @ décadent : I have nothing against off topic discussion, as long as it is not 95% meaningless discussion like it actually is.
  15. Evil Ernie

    Kamelot - The Black Halo

    I downloaded The March of Mephisto and I love that song. Very original and inspired. I will most likely buy this album soon.
  16. Evil Ernie

    Favorite SX release

    DWOT is definatly my favorite. Next would be either V or The Odyssey
  17. Evil Ernie

    Martin Mendez bass rig

  18. Evil Ernie

    Does anyone have Serenity Painted Death Live?

    Is it me or is there absolutly no serious thread in there now? I think I missed the part when Moonlapse said "fuck off I give up".
  19. Evil Ernie

    If Opeth Were A Pie...

    Fuck off with your pumpkin pies. I say PECAN pie. I just like this word... pecan. Sounds good.
  20. Evil Ernie

    Heh, this is funny!

    "such band names are going to destroy western civilisation" Haha that was funny Classic.