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  1. Lord Foul

    It's good to see so many old faces

    Well shit on me, how could I forget Neal-y
  2. Lord Foul

    It's good to see so many old faces

    Wonder if any of the folks from the 2008 west coast meetup are still around here. Brooks/Kevin/Karen/Isabel ?
  3. Lord Foul

    Hey Everyone

    Well well, I see someone took a graphical shit all over the UM interface. Good to see that the old place is full of so many new fac- ... Shit, it's still just you assholes in here isn't it? ;p
  4. Lord Foul

    Post funny shit

    That had to be a tough name to grow up with.
  5. Lord Foul

    post your sexy pics here

    Good job, Stormo. Pregnancy was kind to Kristen Bell.
  6. Lord Foul

    post your sexy pics here

    Thread got kinda weirdly homoerotic...
  7. Lord Foul

    Post funny shit

    Probably better and cheaper than what my apartment complex offers
  8. Lord Foul

    Post funny shit

  9. Lord Foul

    say something about ... yourself!

    Postin' from China
  10. Lord Foul

    Gaming Thread

    I enjoyed the hell out of The Secret World for about a month before my GF left for a job in China for 10 months. We were playing it together, but it will still be there when she gets back (probably with a ton of new content), and luckily hasn't cost me any additional money to not play it. We...
  11. Lord Foul

    Post funny shit

  12. Lord Foul

    post your sexy pics here

    Haven't bumped into Isabel at a show in a few years now, but she's obviously doing well. Hatchet seems to be going places with the new label and album, so that good news for her and Julz. :kickass:
  13. Lord Foul

    What have I missed?

    Alas, poor Wiggles. We hardly knew ye...
  14. Lord Foul

    Listening to thread???

    This fell off my radar for about a decade and I just rediscovered it:
  15. Lord Foul


    That would console any woman, Neal. Some men too.
  16. Lord Foul

    say something about ... yourself!

    The validity of Myers-Briggs as an indicator of...well, anything really, is questionable at best. Even worse are the type descriptions indicating that historical and pseudo-historical figures that surely never took the assessment belong to a given group.
  17. Lord Foul

    Talk about something!!

    The childhood nostalgia for Star Wars has mostly worn off and I find the trilogy pretty terribad now. Black Licorice can be ok Jagermeister is awful
  18. Lord Foul

    Talk about something!!

    I've never been able to understand the appeal of professional sports.
  19. Lord Foul

    Art Thread

    *wants to make a pearl necklace joke very badly* Very nice, Denisa
  20. Lord Foul

    Does anyone else listen to Porcupine Tree?

    I have everything from The Sky Moves Sideways through Fear of a Blank Planet. Excellent band if you're in the mood for something like that. Lately I've been getting my proggy fix from