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  1. Manbient


  2. Manbient

    How would you like to live with two members of MOTW?

    dear Toby and Greg, i would like to live with you guys, is this offer still available. I will private message you my home number. PS: Bodie was going to do a sludge project with me and i haven't talked with him in a long time, please tell him i'm ready now
  3. Manbient


    She can ski better than that, for sure, but the only real mistake i saw was the drift on her bottom air. Obviously you've never trained or competed moguls, but Jenn is the poster girl for godly technique. No other girl in the history of the sport has had technique like hers, and i actually think...
  4. Manbient


    Man, that medal was Jenn's to lose :( She's a totally sick mogul skier. When she was about 15 we knew she was going to rule because she was the only girl who looked like a guy when she skied down haha. She was the world cup overall leader for 4 years leading into the olympics and won the last...
  5. Manbient

    Black Metal.

    you reported me you little queerbo, of course you are
  6. Manbient

    Black Metal.

    No, it was actually proven, i lost the documentation though but seriously you are a steaming pile of emu dung you fat kike, you listen to my pals music and varg warned me of people like you
  7. Manbient

    Valentine's Day

    i am sitting ultra-slouched in my chair. So much so that i am almost laying down. I'm in some grey boxer-briefs, and i thought i'd gently pull out my balls from the left leg of my boxer-briefs. It's pretty neat, they are like two birds that are my friends. I can't stop petting them and smiling
  8. Manbient

    Eerie tracks like Dance Macabre?

    well there's a bunch of em. There's 4 parts to ...Et Ils m'Mentourent, here's all 4
  9. Manbient

    Stuff like Altars of Madness.

    I'm pretty well 100% certain this isn't news to you, but Darkane's Rusted Angel is the first thing that came to mind for me. Fuck do i love that album. EDIT: I was basing this more on your description than the thread title btw
  10. Manbient

    Eerie tracks like Dance Macabre?

    Even though the OP is a track from a metal band, the fact that everyone keeps posting things related to metal as a rec is making me lol and place face into palm
  11. Manbient

    Eerie tracks like Dance Macabre?

    If you want to dive right into what i was talking about, I think you should listen to this: It's long, but it has "phases" and "movements", and the best stuff i've found. There's 3 other parts to it too if you...
  12. Manbient

    Eerie tracks like Dance Macabre?

    Drop some melody, add more atmosphere and get into manly music like dark ambient and the surrealists. But to not stray too far that way off the bat, here's a semi-melodic representation Land - Alambic De Songes
  13. Manbient

    Black Metal.

    you are both fat and gay
  14. Manbient

    Windir Appreciation Thread

    you IDIOT, they have already been MENTIONED surprised you didn't know that
  15. Manbient

    Black Metal.

    lol metal fans Anyway i can't find the exact documentation now but someone had proven that Weakling was the best bm band a while back
  16. Manbient

    How do you listen to your music?

    oh, my bad
  17. Manbient

    How do you listen to your music?

    but that's not you joking, that's someone else joking and you copy pasta'd