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  1. Spruce Goose

    Iron Maiden collection

    Mine is the ticket stub from the first Maiden concert I attended. Was it 2009 ish? Anyway, the ticket is framed with photos of the gig and the tour poster. It is awesome, because my allocated ticket number was 666. Still remember opening the envelope and seeing tickets 664, 665 and thinking...
  2. Spruce Goose

    Your favourite sixties music

    Yeah, surprised by the lack of love for the doors. Blitz, Waiting For The Sun is one of my favorites too. Also live The Crystal Ship, which has a very similar vibe to WFTS. As does the unknown soldier. Ha! And how good is Touch Me? If Elvis had sung that song it would have been a certified...
  3. Spruce Goose

    Richie Kotzen

    Anyone going? I got my tix on Friday.
  4. Spruce Goose


    Still haven't got around to listening to this. Is it better/worse/on par with Death Magnetic?
  5. Spruce Goose

    Your Biggest Musical Discoveries in Recent Times

    i guess it's been a couple of years since this place was regularly contributed to. In the time that's passed, we've all probably had quite a few new musical/band discoveries that we haven't discussed here. So list your top 3 or 5 (or however many you want). For me: 1. The Dear Hunter. Had...
  6. Spruce Goose

    Review the last movie you saw thread

    Patriots Day - Very good retelling of the Boston Marathon bombing. Mark Wahlburg, Michelle Moynahan, John Goodman, Kevin Bacon. Deep water Horizon - BP oil spill Everybody wants some - follow up to Dazed and Confused but set in the 80s instead of the 70s. Follows a group of college baseball...
  7. Spruce Goose

    What gigs have you seen lately?

    Last 3 were Opeth at the Opera House, Springsteen at Hunter Valley, and Alter Bridge at the Enmore. All 3 were fantastic. Can't beat Springsteen for the vibe and atmosphere of 20,000 people singing every word to every song. It rained and hailed before his set and then cleared up. Made for an...
  8. Spruce Goose

    What's everyone upto??

    Let's make Maiden Downunder great again.
  9. Spruce Goose

    Richie Kotzen

    Yep. Tix on sale Friday 21st. Can't wait. Wife will be 8 months pregnant then. I made her download Uber on her phone in case her water breaks during the gig and she needs to get herself to the hospital.
  10. Spruce Goose

    Richie Kotzen

    So Richie has a new album coming out this month and has said on Facebook and twitter that he is touring Australia this year. A promoter (Storm Front Touring) has confirmed this and said dates are coming the next few days. Pretty excited. I caught Richie with the Winerh Dogs in London last year...
  11. Spruce Goose

    What's everyone upto??

  12. Spruce Goose

    What music have you been digging of late?

    My album/band discovery of the year so far is Inglorious. They are like a modern Whitesnake/Purple with an phenomenal singer. I saw them open for The Winery Dogs in London and was hooked from the first song. They also threw Rainbow's 'I Surrender' and TOTO's 'Girl Goodbye' into the set...
  13. Spruce Goose

    Hey Blitz....

    you're a fan of Jeff Martin aren't you? I went to the One For The Road concert last night which was in support of the thirsty merc crew member who died, and the drummer who was seriously injured in a car crash. It was a who's who of Aussie rock with performances by the likes of dragon, Ian moss...
  14. Spruce Goose

    What gigs have you seen lately?

    What did you think of Queen, Spiff? I thought it was a great show. The crowd in Sydney was so shit though. Virtually zero audience participation even after Adam and Bryan told them to get into it more! Was hoping for a huge crowd sing along with Love of My Life but there were probably only...
  15. Spruce Goose

    What gigs have you seen lately?

    Saw Queen last night. Amazing. Lady Gaga joined them on stage for Another One Bites the Dust which was a cool surprise.
  16. Spruce Goose

    Flying Colors - Second Nature

    This is their second album mate. Their first album was in 2012 and it was amazing.
  17. Spruce Goose

    Flying Colors - Second Nature

    The new album is out soon and the first sinlge/video was released today. I love it. Muse vibe yes, but still pretty uniquely Flying Colors. Love the middle section. I saw these guys in New York in 2012 at their second ever show and they are...
  18. Spruce Goose

    What gigs have you seen lately?

    Dream Theater are doing shows in Sydney and Melbourne in October. Tickets on sale today at 12pm.
  19. Spruce Goose

    Maiden England 2014 set list speculation - Yep it's really changing this year!

    I agree. Snow is my favourite SB album but then Neal left and I didn't really keep up to date with them. It was only recently after hearing the great reviews of the latest album with Ted that I decided to give it a listen and I have to say, it is very, very good.
  20. Spruce Goose

    Maiden England 2014 set list speculation - Yep it's really changing this year!

    Sounds great. Ted is not a member of the band... Gildenlow has been a touring member of the band for years though and sang a part in one of the songs on the new album (the song INTO THE BLUE from the album KALEIDOSCOPE). He was hospitalised with a flesh eating bacteria just before the...