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    KATO - Conflagration [EP, 2022, Black Metal]

    This initial EP from KATO, Conflagration, delivers layered and caustic metal, turning inwards to assail our deceptive consciousness. Sounds like the savagery of Funeral Mist mixed with the psychedelia of Oranssi Pazuzu. Composed, recorded and mixed, 2021 KATO...
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    LP Trade / Sale List (USA)

    Open to trades or sales for the below list. The price for the LPs includes domestic shipping. Any international shipping will need to be calculated. Shipping from the USA. LPs Ignivomous - Death Transmutation [$15] Morbid - Ancient Morbidity (From Slayer 20 release and includes poster) [$25]...
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    KATO - Nadir (Demo, 2020)

    Free download : Preliminary demo, composed and recorded in 2020. No cloaks. No spells. No gods. Just despair.
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    Yup, pretty obvious crossover influences, which I can get behind. It's that punk element that I think most of these new-thrash bands completely overlook. Power Trip gets it, and does it well. Who they draw to their concerts is of little importance to me.
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    I've been really into this new band Power Trip. They just recently released their debut full-length on Southern Lord, and it is absolutely killer. Definitely one of the best new thrash albums released. They really hit all the right marks: really awesome production, great riffs (with dynamics!)...
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    Black Metal.

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    Best of 2010 thus far...

    Burzum - Belus Ares Kingdom - Incendiary Triptykon - Eparistera Daimones WAIL - Wisdom through Agony into Illumination and Lunacy (I think it's a 2010 release) Bloody Sign - Chaos Echoes Kerasphorus - Cloven Hooves at the Holocaust Dawn -- That's it so far.
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    Post your hauls here

    Kerasphorus - Cloven Hooves at the Holocaust Dawn LP Rippikoulu - Musta Seremonia LP Swallowed - S/T EP
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    Post your hauls here

    Cultes Des Ghoules - Haxan CD Reverend Bizarre - In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend DLP Wail - Wisdom through Agony into Illumination and Lunacy LP
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    Black Metal.

    Katharsis - World Without End
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    Post your hauls here

    Triptykon - Eparistera Daimones DLP
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    Bloody Sign - Chaos Echoes CD I can't wait to listen to this. One of the best death metal bands out there right now.
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    Death Metal

    I've been obsessed with this album for the past week. Craig Smilowski's drumming is perfect for that album. I also passed on picking up their other albums, but I think I'll be visiting them real soon.
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    Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

    Solid album. It's hard to say where it fits with the other work right now, but it's definitely an album worthy of multiple listens.
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    Post your hauls here

    Burzum - Belus LP Candlemass - Nightfall CD
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    UNIVERSAL pre-sale

    Calm down, buddy. You obviously didn't read the description too well while ordering. By pre-ordering the physical CD and t-shirt from the end, you will also get a link for a digital copy of the album on its release date. Pretty good deal if you ask me. I'm sure your stuff will ship soon.
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    Black Metal.

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    Post your hauls here

    Ares Kingdom - Return to Dust LP Ascension - With Burning Tongues DEMO Repugnant - Epitome of Darkness LP
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    Black Metal.

    Yeah, pretty much. It's a digipack with a more book-like spine.