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  1. Jani Laiho

    "somebody's watching me"...what?

    someone explain this one to me. no idea who the band is, but alexi sings on this song.
  2. Jani Laiho

    My band...

    you sure this is an american band? :lol: yeah, get a new drummer and better recording equipment......and stop trying to sound like you are some european band, lol.
  3. Jani Laiho

    the REAL Simpsons Intro.

    they could have done the costumes better, but other than that its still pretty good though
  4. Jani Laiho

    pretty cool video of sonata arctica

    i still have yet to see that video of him. i never can find it anywhere
  5. Jani Laiho

    pretty cool video of sonata arctica they even play a little Pantera, haha. for those of you that have already seen this i apologize for posting old news....just thought this was pretty cool
  6. Jani Laiho

    Air guitar death

    this is no suprise to me. there was an air guitar contest about a year ago and an asian won it.....listening to welcome to the jungle and going crazy on a little stage. WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!! yeah.....dumbass people
  7. Jani Laiho

    Favorite Horror Movie(s)

    I've replied like 3 times in a row, but i keep reading more shit, :p But about the Stacy movie, i agree, it was pretty awesome....very strange too. Im suprised someone else actually has seen it, or heard of it at that. its kinda like I spit on your Grave, people have seen it but not as much...
  8. Jani Laiho

    Favorite Horror Movie(s)

    I will also admit, Children of the Corn part 1 scared the shit out of me..:lol:
  9. Jani Laiho

    Favorite Horror Movie(s)

    the new "horror" movies, are mainly made just for shocks. there is stuff like saw, or scream...or jeepers creepers. i mean they are okay movies, but the classics are much better....the concept of having this one monster dude killing everybody...or afew other characters destroying peolpe is way...
  10. Jani Laiho

    Favorite Horror Movie(s)

    I spit on your Grave is a VERY cool movie. i was gonna actually post that. why would you be a fanboy, because the great and flawless sinergy has a song with the same title? who cares. But ive always liked the friday the 13th 1-8. after new line bought the rights from paramount...
  11. Jani Laiho

    Alexi in April Guitar World

    its guitar world......not too hard to find. in america anyway, i dont know about anywhere else honestly.
  12. Jani Laiho

    Your top 5 favorite riffs.

    valid point. but besides that you cant tell me that they dont sound the same.....anyway...may top 5 the moment anyway, they change from time to time Sonata Arctica-Wolf and Raven...Destruction Preventer is bad ass too(who i FINALLY got to meet and hang out with Saturday!!!!!:rock...
  13. Jani Laiho

    Your top 5 favorite riffs.

    Bodom and Norther are two different bands? please tell me you are drunk right now:tickled:
  14. Jani Laiho

    Your top 5 favorite riffs.

    why are they all mostly from the same 2 bands? thats like putting Bodom and Norther in the same top 5 metal bands category, it just....doesnt make any sense. have some variety
  15. Jani Laiho

    Needled 24/7 cover... with an accordion

    oh damn...did you forget? your opinions dont mean anything on this oh so sorry, no one has told you yet :) , have a nice day
  16. Jani Laiho

    Needled 24/7 cover... with an accordion

    no wonder the video had a circus theme!!!!!!! i now see the directors vision, haha, it'd fit so well to the video now, without the guitars
  17. Jani Laiho

    The Anti America Thread

    im american, and i willa dmit, america sucks.....its a fucking joke! but there are plenty of americans who have their heads on straight and understand the stupid shit going on in this country. i could go on and on about some of the bullshit involved with america but i dont feel like typing a...
  18. Jani Laiho

    Dimebag can't shred?

    i will meet you half way about dimebag's guitar playing, but i do have to agree with warrells's voice. i've never really liked his vocals that much, they just...get on my nerves, i have never understood why he sang like that so much. it doesnt quite mesh well with a metal band
  19. Jani Laiho

    Dimebag can't shred?

    alright, guitar solo wise......thats different. but just the genre of music then yeah there were plenty of pantera like bands. but as a guitar player dime was one of a kind