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  1. osmorphyus

    Car/Home Audio

  2. osmorphyus

    HAHAHAHAHAHAH...let me catch my breath...HAHAHAH

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahahhahahahaahahha (x a million) normally i dont direct link to my own site content, but you all must look at this:
  3. osmorphyus

    White boy get down on your knees...

    that band is fucking horrible. if any band counts as being the number one shit sellout of the millenia its going to be marilyn manson. what a change in direction, style and sound. i remember when people would insult the band and say, it sounds like circus music (like joe ptacek when i met...
  4. osmorphyus

    seth putnam

    have we all had a chat about seth putnam almost dying? hes so cool, he had a seizure, was in a coma and still thinks everything is gay. man i love that guy. hes probably mad that he came back to life, too.
  5. osmorphyus

    Car/Home Audio

    who doesnt have a turntable these days and not use it????
  6. osmorphyus

    Huge shows in Cali and Vegas!!!

    Atreyu, As I Lay Dying, Bleeding Through, Throwdown, Terror, Before Today, Underminded & more... p.s. all of these bands = gay one band who is realllly fucking gay though - 18 visions.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-CHOOO-GAY!
  7. osmorphyus

    Huge shows in Cali and Vegas!!!

    i am so fucking sick of everything having it's own "core". what the fuck is metalcore anyway? i mean you talk about faggy ass shit. shitcore? is that what we should call gay bands like as i lay dying? what about that one fuckhead act, black dahlia murder? metal blade is unfortunately...
  8. osmorphyus

    Car/Home Audio

    i got my walmart durabrandsurround set for 69 bucks at walmart dude!! holla!!!!
  9. osmorphyus

    quite possibly THE Greatest Ass I've EVER seen

    i mean, i couldnt take pictures of that girl and not come up with a case. i would have to bang this girl, and if she wasnt willing, id have to take anyway. im sorry but thats my stance on this situation here folks.
  10. osmorphyus

    Working Class Rockstar

    i am so sick and tired of the words "rock" and "star" being used to form "rock star". its turning metal into a fucking joke if you ask me.
  11. osmorphyus

    these forums

    my friend! of course i remember that show! i still have the footage too. never did get it to vhs/dvd like i wanted to yet, but its still in tact! my camcorder is wrecked, so i havent been able to even read the tape myself in a year! sucks man!! that place didnt have any security, a...
  12. osmorphyus

    these forums

    theyre nice looking, seem to function well for the most part, but boy... having to edit my avatar about 5 times was a bunch of hooey i tell you what.. that and the whole waiting for activation thing. i wonder why they set things up like that. its very strange. in any case, i look forward...
  13. osmorphyus

    NATE! did you cut your hair...

    why are people in death metal cutting their hair so much these days? me and john will be the last ones left i tell you what.
  14. osmorphyus

    Dimebag makes Erik Rutan of MA to learn WALK in 5min, to play in front of 12,000

    while cruizing up abboot road on campus in east lansing today, i drove past a fraternal house, where on the lawn there is a huge rock, painted white with black crosses on it. in green it had been painted, "r.i.p. dimebag" it was great. noone in the car got it but me, but then im living with...
  15. osmorphyus

    Big azz titties

    that was terrible.
  16. osmorphyus

    Big azz titties

    that was terrible.