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  1. C

    Was Oliva on painkillers....

    Same spot as for me...felt my throat closing and had to hold some of it in, could've gotten real bad. Couldn't even bring myself to sing anymore, and just closed my eyes and let tears fall. I've gotten way more sensitive since having a child...but it's really an awesome feeling when music can...
  2. C

    Was Oliva on painkillers....

    I was one of them, and I didn't think it was going to happen. Also during 'If I Go Away'. Fantastic show, Streets sounded phenomenal, and I was SO excited and happy that he opened with, let alone played, Surrender. My favorite from Poets and Madmen, which I was hoping to hear, but in all...
  3. C

    Moon Safari (Great progressive rock from Sweden)

    I love Moon Safari. Got into them maybe a year before Lover's End was released. Some of the best stuff I've heard lately. Missed them when they played in NY last year, but hoping they'll come back over to the US sometime again soon.
  4. C

    PP XV: Midweek Mayhem Lineup Announcement

    I haven't been to progpower since 2007. Had attended from II - VIII, then just haven't been able to make it. Will finally be making a return next year. Incredible lineup! Already purchased my ticket the other day. Been a PoS fan for years, so the chance to see them twice in a few days will...
  5. C

    Setlist Poll for ProgPower USA

    I hope the band has a GREAT time playing at Progpower USA this year. I was really hoping to make it, as it's been 5 years since I've been there, and this year's lineup is pretty fantastic, but I was forced to take another week off this month for vacation. Hopefully this show opens up some...
  6. C

    LEPROUS – Complete work on new album; Reveal title and release dates!

    Somewhat similar imo, but I actually think it's my least favorite on the album. I really do think it's great from beginning to end.
  7. C

    LEPROUS – Complete work on new album; Reveal title and release dates!

    Really can't wait for this. Only got into Leprous about 6 months ago, but literally haven't stopped listening to Bilateral since then. Glad to see that their new album is coming sooner this year than I was expecting.
  8. C

    Acoustic set at PP USA next year

    Dang, I didn't realize this is for Gold Badge/VIP members only....I USED to be a gold badge member before I was unable to go for a few years. :waah:
  9. C

    Acoustic set at PP USA next year

    Already posted these in a couple places, but I'd like to hear these and think they'd either work well for obvious reasons, or could sound pretty cool all acoustic. Taste of Sand New Best Friends Tied With Sin (!) Poison Ivy Your Favorite War
  10. C

    Circus Maximus Promo Video for ProgPower USA XIV

    Possibly at the pre-party (if that's what it's called nowadays) Wed or Thurs? I wouldn't mind that at all. A full set of their tunes in that style and the outfits. lol
  11. C

    Circus Maximus Promo Video for ProgPower USA XIV

    Love it! Haven't been to the festival since 2007, but it looks like I'm going to have to make it for sure next year. Wouldn't mind hearing 'Nine' in it's entirety also. Been killing that disc since it came out.
  12. C

    Wolverine at PPusa 2013

    Congratulations on finally getting to come to play Progpower USA! For the last many years I kept hoping to see you guys on the roster, and FINALLY it happens. Like Havermount, I haven't been to Progpower in 5 years, but I'm going to try my best to make it just to finally see you play. It...
  13. C

    Next years lineup...

    Wolverine?! Finally! Looks like I need to find a way to get there for one more year. It's been a while.
  14. C

    WOW, Before the Dawn

    Weird, was just listening to the last two songs on Spotify before seeing this post. Love 'em.
  15. C

    $5 sale at Amazon... (Past and Future PP Bands!)

    Nice to see them mentioned here. I've been a fan for the last 2 years and really love their 3 albums. Blomljud is my favorite (Other Half of the Sky is one of my favorite 'epics'), but Lover's End is pretty much just as good. Anxiously awaiting their next cd.
  16. C

    Devin Townsend Tour

    I have been to quite a few shows at the main stage, saw Dev there with Opeth I think it was...this was actually my first time really seeing and being IN the Underground section...which was ridiculously small. I was close to the front, so I couldn't see exactly how the room filled up, but by...
  17. C

    Devin Townsend Tour

    At this show Devin said something to the effect of, 'I'm the skinniest fat guy you'll meet. I might look thin, but I'm 87% fat'. The one thing that had me cracking up the most, was because it was Halloween, he was wearing this green sport coat with purple trim...and boxer briefs or something...
  18. C

    Devin Townsend Tour

    I was at the Hartford, CT show on Halloween...and it was a BLAST. Probably the most fun I've had at a show before. It felt like a party, and Devin is just so awesome musically and personally. He had me cracking up throughout the night, at things he was saying and the faces he was making. The...
  19. C

    Official Setlist of every band from PP USA X

    Damn, how was 'Mouth of Madness' live? I LOVE that song on the album.
  20. C

    Harmony- Chapter II: Aftermath

    Should be getting this one for Christmas. What I listened to on their Myspace page I really enjoyed, and I love the Darkwater cd as well. I picked that one up at PP in 2007, and still listen to it often.