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  1. Schizoid Man

    Funniest thing heard at TEXAS MADFEST

    I gave Jens Carlsson a brief tour of Texas culture. I can't go into detail until I clear it with certain musicians, but lets just say it is a story that is very funny. Alan
  2. Schizoid Man

    Dark Empire thanks Madfest

    Damn you, Matt!!!!! After my son moved out of the house, I got married, settled into my middle-age laziness, drifted away from metal and my days of metal concerts were drawing to a close. But your show pulled me right back into the genre. Now I find myself driving around with your CD blasting. I...
  3. Schizoid Man

    YouTube videos of Texas Madfest bands

    Apologies for the quality of the audio.
  4. Schizoid Man

    Best Band Playing Madfest

    So who do you think put on the best show at this year's Madfest? Friday night - Outworld Saturday night - Dark Empire Overall - Dark Empire
  5. Schizoid Man

    2nd new Dark Empire song added to myspace!

    Hey, Matt, I got out of metal after you-know-who moved out, but after seeing your show and listening to Distant Tides, I'm back into metal! My wife curses you!
  6. Schizoid Man

    Dark Empire setlist

    I was very VERY impressed with your set and very surprised to see such chemistry among band members. I was also impressed with the amount of stage presence each of you had and Andrew’s energy was really a stand-out. You were my favorite set of the evening, and I say that without any bias...
  7. Schizoid Man

    Official Pic Thread

    My favorite guitar duo of the evening...Dark Empire's Matt Moliti and Andrew Atwood - nuff said.
  8. Schizoid Man

    Marriage Proposals At Concerts

    Fans proposing marriage on stage at shows seems to be catching on. I also proposed to my wife at a Flower Kings show in Denver last March. I met her on the band's Yahoo Group. Evergrey has had a previous marriage proposal, as seen on YouTube (key in Evergrey in the search window). I've even seen...
  9. Schizoid Man

    Forum Members Poster - Give us you photo!

    Chicken & Prog
  10. Schizoid Man

    Forum Members Poster - Give us you photo!

    Chicken & Prog Metal
  11. Schizoid Man

    This Album is BAD

    It seems that I may be in the minority but this is Evergrey's BEST album by far. As I type, I'm listening to MMA and so far, I really love it. I'm on the 6th track at this moment and I'm reading the negative posts on this album and I'm thinking, "am I listening to the same CD as everybody else...
  12. Schizoid Man

    I did not abandon you (clarification thread)

    I see them, this is andrew btw, on my dad's forum thingy right now
  13. Schizoid Man

    More on that spooky Evil Darkness Tour (I can't help myself)

    This promoter sounds like a guy with a ton of money, but no experience in putting on a show. A guy with a pile of his own money who one day said to himself, "wow, I bet it would be really neat to put on a festival and go on tour!" Though his intentions are honorable, I'm afraid he's bound for...
  14. Schizoid Man

    Ingar from Conception.

    One of the greatest bands ever?
  15. Schizoid Man

    Thoughts on the ProgPower DVD anyone???

    Decent and entertaining DVD. I'm always mildly annoyed when people bitch about concert DVD's. Not everyone has accress to the Lucas Films production studio to produce a DVD. My only complaint was that the Pain Of Salvation video was an older one, and not one from PPV. But I guess it's all a...
  16. Schizoid Man

    Names with Faces thread (Post your pic)

    NOW I know what Andrew was referring to when he said that he had the best time at Prog Power ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silly me, I thought he was referring to jamming with D.C. Cooper!
  17. Schizoid Man

    Swedish Musicians & Government Dole

    Okay, so my spelling is terrible! But you know what I'm referring to.
  18. Schizoid Man

    Names with Faces thread (Post your pic)

    Dargormudsark at the tender age of 12, with King Crimson bassist Tony Levin.
  19. Schizoid Man

    Names with Faces thread (Post your pic)

    I remember that day. For a laugh, here's the story: Dargor, at the age of 3 and 4, was a Terminator fanatic. Everytime he got out of the bath, he pretended that he was the terminator arriving from the future. Believe me, a naked 3-year-old Darg walking around the house with an Arnold like scowl...
  20. Schizoid Man

    Do Metal Bands Have a Day Job?

    I understand that in Sweden, bands can receive a government styffen. I guess that's some sort of governemnt assistance. I could be wrong.