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  1. Mephistophiliac

    Pro-shoot Sanctuary footage

    Sound is just as bad as it was at Gramercy. I don't entirely blame the soundguy though. The guitar tones do leave a lot to be desired. I think Brad was using one of the Line6 Spiders when they were in NYC :Puke:
  2. Mephistophiliac

    Sanctuary update

    It's cool to be stupid in America. If you correct someone's grammar or spelling you're just a hater.
  3. Mephistophiliac

    Sanctuary Photos - Bloodstock UK

    Warrel's wearing Loomis shirt. That bodes well. I want Jim's shirt.
  4. Mephistophiliac

    Adventure Time

    I'd rather watch Regular Show and Adventure Time than most of the stuff adult swim has. Also If Finn was kvlt
  5. Mephistophiliac

    Nevermore as a 4-piece

    That's always bothered the fuck out of me, just tickling the string by the bridge and spamming the B when Jeff plays too many notes.
  6. Mephistophiliac

    Van and Barlow...match made in heaven?

    What's even cheesier than Barlow's vocals is Stu Block imitating Barlow's vocals. I can't believe I paid money to see that.
  7. Mephistophiliac

    Who are the coolest bints/fellows in this forum?

    You people are all absolutely insane. Really Crappy Cola is terrrble.
  8. Mephistophiliac

    The Avengers

    All I know is I'm looking forward to seeing how far Bane will go in breaking the bat. This is what everyone should be talking about.
  9. Mephistophiliac

    What happened to....

    What happened to sard being every other word posted?
  10. Mephistophiliac

    Which is better... Spartacus or Game Of Thrones?

    From what I've heard the last GoT episode strayed far enough from the books that it may end up like an X-Men movie.
  11. Mephistophiliac

    The Avengers

    I was waiting the entire time for the catchphrase and they never used it. Aside from that and a few other minor things, it's the best Marvel movie by far. I've already got a chub for the next one.
  12. Mephistophiliac

    The Cabin in the Woods

    I've heard a bit about the ending. I wasn't planning on seeing it, but now I'm curious how it gets to that point.
  13. Mephistophiliac

    Female-fronted bands that you actually like

    I was there (absolutely pitiful fest) and as far as I could tell there was no vocal fuckery going on.
  14. Mephistophiliac

    Female-fronted bands that you actually like

    What are you smoking, because I want some.
  15. Mephistophiliac

    Female-fronted bands that you actually like

    Thread needs more death metal
  16. Mephistophiliac

    time to show us what your made of

    15. More than I expected.
  17. Mephistophiliac

    Which classic songs would you like to see a local band cover?

    Swap Symbolic for Misanthrope. Also Take No Prisoners
  18. Mephistophiliac

    Who's going to Sanctuary in NYC?

    Still say they should have played the Third War.
  19. Mephistophiliac

    The Star Wars Thread

    Sure can't wait to see it in 3D :rolleyes:
  20. Mephistophiliac

    Your top five albums of 2011

    Universal was 2010 too. Leprous - Bilateral Obscura - Omnivium The Black Dahlia Murder - Ritual Revocation - Chaos of Forms Opeth - Heritage