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  1. #1_Droogie

    Comus (Melloboat 08)

    damn that would be interesting at the very least. lets hope the Melloboat show sparks some action on their part.
  2. #1_Droogie

    Comus (Melloboat 08)

    I think they should be a required listen in all public education settings. I have a remaster of FU, and it has two bonus tracks (Winter Is A Coloured Bird, and In The Lost Queen's Eye). I haven't checked to see if they're from the second album, but they're pretty good songs. they're...
  3. #1_Droogie

    Comus (Melloboat 08)

    hi guys. some of you are probably aware of this swedish dream-concert cruise type deal. a handful of bands played, mostly swedish, for this three day cruise. among them were Opeth, Katatonia, The Mats/Morgan All-Star Team, and Comus, who hadn't played a show in 25 years. I really hope Comus...
  4. #1_Droogie

    Phideaux appreciation thread

    I agree. They have a nostalgic/classic vibe to their music, but it's simultaneously modern sounding, I love it.
  5. #1_Droogie

    Phideaux appreciation thread

    any fans here? I discovered these guys a couple months ago and cannot get enough. Doomsday Afternoon is almost album of the year, barely beaten only by Ziltoid. The Great Leap is good too, and Chupacabras. If you aren't familiar with them, you must check them out. I can't recommend them enough...
  6. #1_Droogie

    Ayreon "01011001"

    fuck yeah, PHIDEAUX! I loved The Human Equation, and this could possibly be better. I'm excited.
  7. #1_Droogie

    Best songs of 2007.

    Devin Townsend - By Your Command Devin Townsend - The Greys NIN - Me, I'm Not (though I could name seven or eight from YZ) Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize El-P - The League Of Extraordinary Nobodies (don't hate me guys) Pro-Pain - The New Reality and if the new Meshuggah was released on the...
  8. #1_Droogie

    Your favorite Judas Priest guitar solo? ...

    hey man, I'm great. how are you doing? Yeah, I never get time to really do much internet browsing these days, but I check back every once in a while. I see things are still cool.
  9. #1_Droogie

    Your favorite Judas Priest guitar solo? ...

    I would have to wholeheartedly agree, my good friend! the emotion in Glenn's solo is absolutely breathtaking, as well as the song itself. genius.
  10. #1_Droogie

    Opeth....falling apart?

    I have to agree. Even though I was heartbroken when I read Peter left Opeth (though even moreso when I heard about Lopez), I don't think it's the end just yet. It's pretty apparent that Mikael is the main thinktank, so I doubt their new material will suffer very much, if at all. Personally...
  11. #1_Droogie

    This is about as cool as it gets....long, but worth it

    my thoughts exactly I am nothing but amazed at the whole scheme of this album. It's outrageous, and I love it.
  12. #1_Droogie

    Rush - "Snakes And Arrows"

    I really like it so far. I haven't spinned it enough to leave a lasting impression, but I definitely like it. The songs sound modern, yet they often have a more classic feel to them too, which I really dig. I can't say it touches any of their seventies material, though. off topic; Alex's...
  13. #1_Droogie

    What got you started?

    I first got into metal from illegally downloading metallica songs I love the irony
  14. #1_Droogie

    New forum theme

    :lol: I really like the new look. When I first visited, I was pretty suprised, but I like it. I really like the UM header at the top, it's a lot better than the old.
  15. #1_Droogie

    Post your Hauls!

    Hey Kitty, how is that album? I've heard great things about it but I haven't checked it out myself. Is it worth a purchase?
  16. #1_Droogie

    Will I get sued ???

    :lol: Count me in!:rock:
  17. #1_Droogie

    Will I get sued ???

    :lol: :lol: That's hilarious.
  18. #1_Droogie

    Will I get sued ???

    I'm going to have to agree with UM here, they have the rights and from the sound of it they won't hesitate to take action. They may be assholes, but they call the shots as far as the logo goes. Better to find a new picture than to make a whole new profile.
  19. #1_Droogie

    The Vs Game

    Jethro Tull vs. Porcupine Tree
  20. #1_Droogie

    Want to know what god listens to?

    I thought it was more of a trinity type thing... Lemmy the father, Lemmy the son, and Lemmy the (metal? can't really use holy :lol:) spirit.