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  1. greenaxer

    Now Playing

    Trans-Siberian Orchestra - March of the Kings, Christmas Canon
  2. greenaxer

    Official Off Topic Thread

    I don't think it's so much the SUV being bad as it is being a Kia SUV. Yeah, a Blazer is cool. A Ford Escape or something along those lines, however, probably wouldn't work, hehe.
  3. greenaxer

    The Friday Five

    1. Eh, it's alright. It gets the job done. 2. Bills. Preferably the large ones. 3. Don't really have one. 4. I collect both. The bills come in handy when going out to eat, and the coins are mainly for doing laundry. 5. No. If it's not paper or coins for currency, society will find something...
  4. greenaxer

    Sym X- TSO?

    As long as they keep putting a rockin' spin on those Christmas songs, I'll be looking forward to them. But in the mean time, it's good that we'll HOPEFULLY soon get to hear Night Castle.
  5. greenaxer

    Another death in Metal

    That's really sad to hear. I hadn't heard of them, but may he rest in peace.
  6. greenaxer

    Now Playing

    Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Queen of the Winter Night Alfred Reed - Russian Christmas Music Dan, do you enjoy Alex Skolnick's work? It's cool how he's played both metal and jazz throughout his career.
  7. greenaxer

    Symphony X quotes

    Russ is so awesome. Not so much a cool quote as it was cool delivery. At the Tempe show in 07, he commented on the extreme heat: (In evil voice with wide eyes) "Some like it HOT!"
  8. greenaxer

    Sym X- TSO?

    TSO opened with "Night Enchanted" at their show. I immediately thought "wait a minute..." It rocked, but I still enjoy Symphony X's take on the song more. Even though it's really short, it's so much more intense. Same here, except it's the film score lover in me that makes me love V that...
  9. greenaxer

    Favorite thread that has something to do with Symphony X?

    I guess it's alright that every single thread doesn't have to do only with the band. There's been plenty of other noteworthy, non-band related stuff happening lately. Plus, there is so much other music out there to share and discuss/debate about. Doesn't it keep things fresh? Same here. I...
  10. greenaxer

    Now Playing

    Seventh Wonder rocks. currently hearing: Metal Gear Solid 4 - opening theme
  11. greenaxer

    The Friday Five

    1. Of Course! 2. Best friend 3. Several former friends who just disappeared from my life. 4. Natalie Portman 5. About the same
  12. greenaxer

    Congrats to Russell!

    Congratulations, Russ!
  13. greenaxer

    Now Playing

    Cool video, Dan. I'm not familiar with them, are they new or have they been around bit? I definitely hear the John Petrucci influence.
  14. greenaxer

    The Friday Five

    1. A friend is getting married on that day, and the reception is medieval -themed. :Smug: 2. Going home for the week, watch some football with everyone. 3. Go home, ask Santa for a job in 09. :erk: 4. People have been coming to my parents' house in recent years. It's cool, but so much work...
  15. greenaxer


    Tori's awesome. Sometimes you have to be in the right mood to listen to her, though.
  16. greenaxer

    What do you do?

    ABQShredHead, those were some cool pictures. My dad works at the White Sands Missle Range, right near Alamogordo.
  17. greenaxer

    The Friday Five

    1. Rush in 1996. Couldn't have asked for a better first concert! 2. Opeth last Thursday. Freaking amazing! 3. Trans-Siberian Orchestra a couple of years ago. About $55. 4. About an hour. 5. Symphony X in 2007!
  18. greenaxer

    The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

    Thanks, Fredrik. Yeah, I did everything. The whole process took forever so I'm taking a break from hearing it, hehe. Look forward to any new stuff you'll post in the future.
  19. greenaxer

    Official Off Topic Thread

    You don't have to be afraid of electrics. :Smug:
  20. greenaxer

    Paradise Lost Tone?

    MJR's guitar tone on Paradise Lost perfectly suits what they were going for musically on that album. His tone is just so much more muscular.