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  1. Brotherelf

    seeing opeth @ avalon 5/16

    anyone else going alone? :P i've waited YEARS to finally catch an Opeth show. always too late and after the fact. not this time. ..sure it won't be anything short of awesome. ------------------------------------------------- Yeah, so far it looks like I'm going alone this time. In fact, if...
  2. Brotherelf

    Opeth at the Wiltern

    I can't wait. This Tuesday. Saw them before there, it's a cool venue. Anybody else going?
  3. Brotherelf


    I don't think that's a good idea, especially since Katatonia sucks.
  4. Brotherelf

    Best Borknagar Vocalist

    I think Vintersorg is the best, although Vortex isnt too far behind. One thing that sucks though is that the older Borknagar albums suffer from poor recording quality. I like a clear, clean recording where you can here all the instruments good. Even Quintessence, in my opinion sounded a little...
  5. Brotherelf

    James Murphy talks on Anti_American Feeling!

    Thanks for the link, it was interesting. There were some real pathetic statements made.
  6. Brotherelf

    Still Life 5.1 Surround Re-Release?

    Funny, I don't see anything at all wrong with Still Life the way it is. It sounds fine to me. All Opeth albums do. I understand the need for certain albums from other bands though. For instance, the older Borknagar stuff. I love it, but the sound quality is shit. I enjoy clean recording when...
  7. Brotherelf

    Opeth can make you better at eating!

    What about Butter Opeth cookies? Of course they are "O"s but must be the Opeth font :yuk: Better make them chocolate:grin: I'd wash them down with a few Opeth cream-filled snack cakes.
  8. Brotherelf

    Former Opeth Addicts who now rarely listen to Opeth...

    Funny topic. I actually hadn't listened to them for about month and not too often before that, but for the last week or so I've had an Opeth relapse and have been listening to them nearly non-stop. Opeth is my fav band, although I do that with a lot of bands I like. I go on binges. I re-discover...
  9. Brotherelf

    Mikael is a dad now?

    Sorry, allow me to be a Selfish fuck when I say this but...I hope this doesn't take away from "Opeth Time" but, of course It would have to:wave:
  10. Brotherelf

    Vintersorg Merchandise? Mr. V anyone?

    Is there no longer a Vintersorg Website? I myslef just tried to visit it, by clicking on top of the page which used to take you to his site. Now it just refreshes the forum page. Anyway, there used to be links for merchandise there.
  11. Brotherelf

    A Viking Metal Odyssey

    The only Einherjer albumn I have is Odin Owns Ye All. I think some of their other albums sounds different (I need to check them out) All I know is that album fucking kicks ass! When I think of that album I just think the word "Fun" for some reason, LOL.
  12. Brotherelf

    Vintersorg...A 'Musical Genius?'

    That's exactly how I feel. As far as the mathmatics of music, etc. I don't care because I can't read music and I don't play any instruments, but the sound that comes from Vintersorg and the moods he sets leads me to believe he is infact, musical genius.
  13. Brotherelf

    I am not particularly sure if anyone has happened to notice this

    This first one and the second to last are the best ones. They aren't anywhere near good enough to be an albumn cover however. I would assume they would put one in a booklet maybe, but not the cover (at least I hope not). A drawing on the cover would just ruin the whole effect.:erk:
  14. Brotherelf

    Los Angeles show

    I was there! Show was great. I was outisde for 1 1/2 hours though & missed ALL of everygrey which was kinda lame. Oh well, i soon forgot all about that.
  15. Brotherelf


    So, you're stalking me? Please people, help me talk some sense into this girl. She needs some metal in her viens.
  16. Brotherelf

    DOOM metal?

    Solitude Aeturnus is pretty good. I think they're considered doom metal...I don't know, i don't get into all the sub genres & all that shit.:err: Its a metal band:rock:
  17. Brotherelf

    Children Of Bodom in studio!

    It's official! They are covering Free Bird!
  18. Brotherelf

    Asgeir to Dimmu Borgir

    Well, I'm just glad hes not going to DM. Thier only decent album is DCA. Other than that, they are pretty much trash.
  19. Brotherelf

    What's your most listened Opeth CD?

    Whats with the flood of rediculously, lame generic topics? :confused:
  20. Brotherelf

    why circle of the tyrant??!!

    I have not yet bought any of the re-released albums, but I would like to have the songs on CD. What they really need to do is come out with a CD that has thier covers, & bonus track all on one...but that's too perfect I guess.:erk: