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  1. S

    Gothic Knights Vrs. Zandelle!

    You sound like their bass player. Nice first post though.
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    Savatage 25th Anniversary!!

    Cool! I feel like I've been taking a beating for some of the off-topic stuff I ost, didn't want to be out of line.
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    Odin's Court Kicked ASS Last Night!

    Absolutely Jasun! And you know what? Your professional and amazing attitude just makes me want to come out and support you guys again, even though the music isn't my cup of tea, I will be there because I think you are super sweet and cool enough to accept that not everyone is going to dig...
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    Odin's Court Kicked ASS Last Night!

    It would be pretty hard to say something like that as a matter of FACT, lol. Yeah, it's my opinion. I don't remember one single catchy thing about Zero Hour's music. However, amazing technical players. Just not my kind of music.
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    ARK's singer, after Jorn Lande, revealed

    I've heard some of this stuff on All Knowing Force Radio and it is fantastic!! The Labrie track alone is worth the price of the CD.
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    Odin's Court Kicked ASS Last Night!

    Odin's Court Kicked ASS Last Night! Caught the Zero Hour show last night in Brooklyn and have to say Odin's Court was outstanding. Their music is an excellent blend of solid song writing and tecnical playing without too much wankery. some of the melodic solo sections dragged on a bit but...
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    Odin's Court Kicked ASS Last Night!

    Odin's Court Kicked ASS Last Night! Caught the Zero Hour show last night in Brooklyn and have to say Odin's Court was outstanding. Their music is an excellent blend of solid song writing and tecnical playing without too much wankery. some of the melodic solo sections dragged on a bit but...
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    between the buried and me

    Selkies is brilliant but i didn't hear anything else on their myspace page that made me want to buy the CD.
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    Free Tix to Zero Hour this Sunday in Brooklyn

    Got a great deal off my space. Anyone see the dude from power of omens sing with zh yet? Really excited to see how this is going to work out.
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    Free Tix to Zero Hour this Sunday in Brooklyn

    Got a great deal on tix through my space. for details. Anyone see the shows on this tour? I'm psyched to hear what the dude frompower of omens does and to hear Odin's Court too.
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    Zero Hour - Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond

    Free Tix to Zero Hour Show in Brooklyn Nov. 12th. I just got a deal on a pair of free tix to see Zero Hour next Sunday. If you have a My Space page, contact for info, you just need to put one of the opening band's banner on your site and they pick up the tab...
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    Free Tix to Zero Hour Show in Brooklyn Nov. 12th.

    I just got a deal on a pair of free tix to see Zero Hour next Sunday. If you have a My Space page, contact for info, you just need to put one of the opening band's banner on your site and they pick up the tab. Hey, I'm a cheap date, lol. :p
  13. S

    Free Tix to Zero Hour Show in Brooklyn Nov. 12th.

    I just got a deal on a pair of free tix to see Zero Hour next Sunday. If you have a My Space page, contact for info, you just need to put one of the opening band's banner on your site and they pick up the tab. Hey, I'm a cheap date, lol. :p
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    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    With all the talk about Dragonforce these days, I just had to dust this one off and give it a spin to remind myslef what real powermetal is supposed to sound like. I've been a huge fan of there's since the Powermead shows in Baltimore a few years back. Very raw and old school. Has...
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    October Thorns/ Joe Chawki!!

    They said the same thing about SyX 10 or so years ago. And HA, Voltron!! I haven't heard that in years!! I din't even notice that avatar util you mentioned it. Friggin' hysterical. Looks like a mega turbo power ranger too, lol.
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    October Thorns/ Joe Chawki!!

    Until Destiny is phenominal and there is a whole new breed of new shredders comign up. this next year is going to be sick for Brooklyn metal.
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    Vitalij Kuprij

    Links!! I am dying to ehar this stuff!!
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    I've tried all that, virus scans and everthying but nothing seeems to help, In feel like I am cgoing crazy over hear.
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    James Labrie on New John Macaluso CD!

    Geddy Lee?
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    Zandelle- Vengeance Rising!!

    That's NOT funny.