Search results

  1. Alongside Death

    Males and Females

    My girlfriend was talking shit about spanking and pulling her hair during sex. Turns out it was bullshit, she likes it so Onder has a point.
  2. Alongside Death

    Atmospheric Black Metal

    I've been literally fascinated by this kind of BM recently. I call it myself atmospheric though it is not probably the precise genre name if you want to nitpick. Anyway I am looking for bands in the vein of Lunar Aurora or Infestus. Lunar Aurora by default is top notch but Infestus, at least in...
  3. Alongside Death

    New Social Thread

    Been here a fuckload time ago but it didn't took me long to figure out that mainly old geeks are still posting here. No new figures? Just you old bastards? Something actually new happened here or were there any hellawaitsusall douche-like sensations lately? Or just "same shit, different day"?
  4. Alongside Death

    New Social Thread

    The worst specifics are those which make you want to re-dose badly after 20 minutes from the first dosage. That said, a severe comedown may occur after 40 minutes or so if you don't re-dose.
  5. Alongside Death

    New Social Thread

    It's great fun when you know when and where to dose it. The comedown is horrible sometimes though, that is unless you do not drink water or force any carbohydrates during the speed.
  6. Alongside Death

    New Social Thread

    Good times.
  7. Alongside Death

    You laugh, you lose

    Anyone ever heard of Deathspell Omega lyrics generator? I don't know if it is true or not but when I heard about this I laughed my ass off. The idea is epic.
  8. Alongside Death

    New Social Thread

    Got pretty fucked up on speed yesterday night. I met a nice girl who really was interesting and had many interesting things to say. But damn, once she snuffed some speed she was lagging frequently when speaking. That turned me off, although I was hyped myself. Then again I wouldn't get a boner...
  9. Alongside Death

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Wasn't sure where to start with them but this kicks my ass anyway:
  10. Alongside Death

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Anyone here is familiar with Gory Delivery Conceived To Prevail? I tend to judge BDM albums by their covers, which I know is stupid, but this one caught my attention immediately. Is it good or not? And what about new Gorgasm? My friend told me it blew his fucking balls off. Any thoughts?
  11. Alongside Death

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    I know that more "serious" material is usually discussed here, but this is something I felt is worth bringing up. This album is really good despite the quantity of breakdowns here. They are obviously not my cup of tea but the essential thing about this CD is that it sounds so "mechanical" I...
  12. Alongside Death

    You laugh, you lose

    Gee, now I remember how Predator sequel ended. Seriously though, this should be in "what the fuck you lose" thread. This is an actual outtake? What the hell?
  13. Alongside Death

    New Social Thread

    First collocation with that picture. Pretty characteristic fucking scary clown.
  14. Alongside Death

    New Social Thread

    What about rehearsals? I figure they take a lot of time now considering that I have school besides that. Now, most of the time, we just end up being fucked up on beer and not creating anything remarkable. We have to change our rehearsal room though. They charge us too fucking much for the...
  15. Alongside Death

    Males and Females

    Man, how I am sorry for not being able to go there. MDF will be on my fucking bucket list. I was born too far away.
  16. Alongside Death

    New Social Thread

    I would agree with Krig even though I do not post too often myself.
  17. Alongside Death

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    What was all the fuss about Carnal Disfigurement? Was their demo so good? Only 5 out of 8 songs leaked so I am waiting until the whole appears on the net.
  18. Alongside Death

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Why would he do that? It's beyond mental.
  19. Alongside Death

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Passed my exam on linguistics on Friday. Of course I was obliged to celebrate this fact...somehow. Without going into details, I ended up being drunk + high + on speed for fucking 30 hours. I had no idea this would happen, I haven't thought that my old friend would call me at night to come and...