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  1. M

    John Bush and Hotwheels?????

    On the Sponge Bob CD there is a song by Pantera, it is an episode also. Cool instrumental song.
  2. M

    How in the world did I miss this???

    I think this would be cool in the box set. Minus the bleeps and the commercial every 5 minutes.
  3. M

    Devils nite in the Motor City

    I never thought I would see Fowlerville mentioned on an Anthrax message bored. I used to live in Fowlerville. I went to Fowlerville schools. (We actually lived in Webberville.) I still have friends that live out there, and they bitch about the lack of internet real internet too...of course they...
  4. M

    Whats your fav Anthrax member?

    I was making a joke based on the inproper use of the word what for the original post. He said "what" member, which would imply a thing....usually refering to a part of male anatomy. He should have said "Who is." I didn't want to imply that they slept around with groupies after they were...
  5. M

    Whats your fav Anthrax member?

    I am Happy to say I have not seen any of Anthrax's members to pick one, maybe you should ask some groupies from the before most of the band was married.
  6. M

    Taking the Music Back Video

    Did I miss something about this, but I saw the Taking the Music Back Video on Launch. Was it not mentioned on the sight or did I just miss it. It's listed here . I just watched it.
  7. M

    The odd 2 out

    Of course Volume 8 was the first Anthrax I ever heard, so it was the defining album for me. So when I heard old Anthrax with Joey, I thought what the fuck this singer's voice is anoying. I think it is my 2nd favorite, after WCFYA. Of course there are songs I like better than most on those 2...
  8. M

    OT: Metallica rips off Kittie?

    I would but I don't have St. Anger. But I think it would be funny for Metallica, to rip off a song from an album that has a Blow Job theme....I might just have to download St. Anger and compare.
  9. M

    What is the appeal to Sanctuary Records??

    I think the website is poorly managed, besides being poorly designed it looks like it isn't kept up. They have an Anthrax page, Sancturay Anthrax page they just don't have it in the pull down menu, and I would guess it was the fault of a lazy webmaster and staff that doesn't check the...
  10. M

    Underwear is sooo overrated.

    I thought it strange that I saw this link freedom on Dave Berry's blog. This is the scariest underwear I have ever seen. What will those crazy German's think up next.
  11. M

    What's with MTV and Anthrax?

    It can best be summed up by a song by Beck, MTV Makes Me Want to Smoke Crack. MTV just sucks more and more. MTV2 came out and I thought cool now they have made up for past wrongs. After about a year of good videos they started playing the same video's over and over, mostly hip-hop.
  12. M

    Detroit Show 8/16

    It kicked major ass. Look pictures- Harpo's pics page for the show I dug lacuna coil, but I didn't like how they had the vocal levels set. I could only hear the vocals if the all of the band wasn't playing, which sucks because from what I could tell, from the little I heard, it would...
  13. M

    Freddy Vs Jason ==No Spoilers posted here please==

    I thought it kicked ass...then toward the end I thought, how fucking cheesy what a cop out. Then I thought cool that's better, then I thought how fucking cheesy again. If you didn't see the movie that shouldn't ruin anything, if you did see the movie maybe you can figure out what I was...
  14. M

    Eastern Power Outages.

    It was kinda fun having no power last night. We had a sudden unplanned BBQ. We even invited over a Comsumers Power guy over, he was waiting for the rest of his crew to get dispatched to fix a neighbors gas leak. Today has been shitty my car was almost out of gas and I work in one of the few...
  15. M

    O/T: Who saw the Misfits Fiend Fest?

    I gave up on all the band politics so I just listen to whoever is in any band and deside if I like it. I thought the show was great and liked the combo of Misfits, Rammones and Black Flag songs. Of course I feel the same way about Metalica because of the music, I refuse to accept the...
  16. M

    O/T: Who saw the Misfits Fiend Fest?

    I went to the Misfits Fiend Fest in Mt Clemens MI and thought it kicked ass. I was wondering if anyone else had a chance to go. It was 7 bands for $30 the first few were standard punk bands. The only stand outs were Balzac, The Damned, The Misfits and the comedy of the Dickies (not so much...
  17. M

    Lamest Song that Anthrax could cover

    I think it would be cool for them to do a Pat Boone cover. It could be a nod to the metal album the Pat Boone did, which I have and is wonderfully funny, especially his version of Enter Sandman. I love covers of songs totally out of genre, like Dynimite Hack with Boyz in the Hood, the Video...
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    How Old is everyone on the board?

    25 Here. I didn't think so many on this board would be near my age. I assumed everyone was older. Maybe I'll participate more now.
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    THREAD: What records have you bought in 2003?

    WCFYA of course The new Queens of the Stoneage The Transplants The WM3 Black Flag Tribute If I had more money I would buy a bunch more, but most of it wouldn't be even close to recently released
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    Best Headbanger's Ball So far

    According to the MTV2 schedule it will be on again Friday at 2 am if anyone wants to tape it.