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  1. Don Corleone

    The Winds of Change Are Blowing...

    badass logo
  2. Don Corleone

    Vortex and Mustis leave Dimmu Burger

    whoops sorry haha, garm of course
  3. Don Corleone

    Vortex and Mustis leave Dimmu Burger

    but is varg going to be in arcturus back again?
  4. Don Corleone

    Unofficial opeth forum - The roundhouse

    im willing to join a new forum, too. will still be lurking around UM though, of course.
  5. Don Corleone

    Opeth forum best moments

    7 years... you are asking for the best moments? too many to mention :(
  6. Don Corleone

    Opeth forum will close down?

    i dont think you need to take it so bad. i think you were a very good mod: not too keen on banning but not too absent either... exactly the way i would have handled it. just like you, i would have let members with sense deal with trolls themselves, but drop in a few warnings myself from time to...
  7. Don Corleone

    Alice in Chains

    he was always cool even before you learnt to wipe your arse, you dumbass, not to mention he was always a great songwriter. :Smug:
  8. Don Corleone

    Alice in Chains

    and whats gay about alice cooper? :mad:
  9. Don Corleone

    Favorite Staind cd

    the only problem i have is that i dont hear that much of a resemblance between staind and opeth. i have a few staind albums which i enjoyed 7-8 years ago... but i never realised -until this thread- that the two bands could be considered side by side. so, my opinion is that tony might easily be...
  10. Don Corleone

    Perfect Metal&Rock songs for "partying"!

    and all attenders are men?
  11. Don Corleone

    The soundtrack ov your life

    a perfect circle - mer des noms
  12. Don Corleone

    Cheesy Album covers

    hahahah never had seen that that a camel-dragon??? hahaha
  13. Don Corleone

    Opinions: Worst and best lyricists.

    actually, it's partially true, death metal has a lot of well-crafted lyrics, starting off with Death and celtic frost
  14. Don Corleone

    Great Early TOOL Video

    heey thank you, mix :) great videos guys
  15. Don Corleone

    Great Early TOOL Video

    excellent find, mix! 17 years ago, eh? it shows you it's a long way to the top.
  16. Don Corleone

    Cheesy Album covers

    by the way, there is a whole site dedicated to this:
  17. Don Corleone

    Cheesy Album covers

    give me a break. whats cheesy about eddie grabbing a man?? :mad: