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  1. Nehebkau

    Soilwork - The Panic Broadcast

    I'm sorry but you can fuck off. :rolleyes: Does not sound anything like the latest Soilwork.
  2. Nehebkau

    happy birthday jonas

    Another year, another number. Happy Birthday :kickass:
  3. Nehebkau

    Face Off 3: In Flamez vs. Dark Tranquility

    Dark Tranquillity. Even though In Flames have good early albums, the latest albums are a joke.
  4. Nehebkau

    2010 MUSIC

    That was pretty dull. Maybe the rest of the EP will be better
  5. Nehebkau

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Simply stunning
  6. Nehebkau

    Face Off: 1. Megadeth vs. Metallica

    this. Megadeth's latest is also pretty good.
  7. Nehebkau

    MetalSucks and Nevermore “Create Your Own Conspiracy” Contest

    Cant be fucked reading through the rest of this thread but I was searching through some songs for this... and apparently the album version has already leaked?!
  8. Nehebkau

    Photo and video from Moscow

    The Longest Year video was really good, thanks.
  9. Nehebkau

    Peter Steele Died

    Such as Seventh Void? I hope they lay TON to rest, it just wouldn't be the same at all without Peter.
  10. Nehebkau

    RIP Peter Steele

    I wish it weren't true. :( RIP Peter.
  11. Nehebkau

    RIP Peter Steele

    Fuck. Noooooo :(
  12. Nehebkau

    In Flames Art

    First picture wasn't really impressive (Jotun) but scrolling down further.. damn you have some great talent!
  13. Nehebkau

    Anders' Tour Diary for Ultimate Guitar

    Thanks! Didn't know of this :)
  14. Nehebkau

    I have just received ... in the mail! Post pics of your new treasures!

    Varg is superior for making bedroom black metal? Oh darn
  15. Nehebkau


    What Mr Anthropy said. If you did make a move on the person, they might react in a different way like trying to avoid you or they might completely ignore what you did. It can turn out quite bad. *hugs* it's not all that bad. There are always other people.
  16. Nehebkau

    How do you rank Viva Emptiness in the Katatonia discography?

    At the bottom, really? Is the production that bad for some people? I'd rank it high, has some of my favourite songs (Complicity, Ghost of the Sun, Will I Arrive).
  17. Nehebkau

    The Longest Year MCD

    *waits for video* been more than a week!
  18. Nehebkau

    The Longest Year MCD

    The stills from the new video look impressive.
  19. Nehebkau

    October Tide is back?

    I hope there will be a new vocalist, the vocals on Grey Dawn put me off. Rain Without End is great though.