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  1. Swabs

    The Game Thread

  2. Swabs

    The Game Thread

    Real men don't play Warhammer, tabletop bitch.
  3. Swabs

    The Food Thread.

    It's fucking OCTOBER.
  4. Swabs

    The Game Thread

    Man I posted that trailer months ago now and no one took any notice of it :lol: But seriously, the trailers for SWTOR are cooler than anything I've seen in any Star Wars movie.
  5. Swabs

    Shit you've made for Cob-ot, Thread.

    Hahaha :lol:
  6. Swabs

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    Not as homosexual as the e-bumlove detailed on these pages, which I assume you're part of :tickled:
  7. Swabs

    post your sexy pics here

    Really? I didn't want to come across as particularly bothered, I'm not really. As I said, it's nothing new.
  8. Swabs

    post your sexy pics here

    Ah be a dick to me as much as you wish. I'm rather aware of my youthful face, I'm always being ID'd in pubs. Hardly news to me :lol:
  9. Swabs

    post your sexy pics here

  10. Swabs

    post your sexy pics here

    No... No Bieber. Actually if I'm honest that's a pretty rubbish comparison. I sport niether the hairstyke nore the 12 year old stature... Yes I'm drunk.
  11. Swabs

    post your sexy pics here

    Brilliant *sigh*
  12. Swabs

    post your sexy pics here

    Unfortunately it isn't, as that rather large hair is the result of my not being able to afford to spare the money for a haircut :p How does that make any sense?
  13. Swabs

    post your sexy pics here

    Aye :(
  14. Swabs

    post your sexy pics here

    Maself about 30 minutes before going out and getting horrendously drunk. inb4 "Gay blazer mate".
  15. Swabs

    Shit you've made for Cob-ot, Thread.

    Oh man, I forgot all about Facial Hair From Hell Guy :lol:
  16. Swabs

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    This has generally been the case for about 3 years now. Shit sucks. Holy. Fucking. Lool. Edit: You're the worst human being ever.
  17. Swabs

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    Don't you think you're faggot?
  18. Swabs

    Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

    Nemo is actually a general name y'know... It's a strange one, but it's not just a fish.
  19. Swabs

    Just wanted to comkment on the new round of drama ....

    The amount of fat and cellulite in this thread made me vomit fucking everywhere.