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  1. hibernal_dream

    Deathspell Omega- Paracletus

    DSO is one of those bands with so much potential but just fall down on the execution. The production, in particular, could be used together with the intertwining guitar melodies to create something really special and never attempted in metal. But it's flat and lacking depth, and I don't know why...
  2. hibernal_dream

    Controversial non-metal opinions

    I was almost at this phase a few weeks ago. I thought, well everyone likes them so they must be good. Then I heard someone else listening to "Hey Jude" (or June?) and thought it was the most insipid poppy rubbish I'd ever heard. That put me off checking them out for at least the next few years.
  3. hibernal_dream

    Best Nirvana album

    Nevermind and In Utero are so hard to choose between. I love Nevermind all the way through though, while In Utero has some boring parts even though it's probably the better album.
  4. hibernal_dream

    Best Pearl Jam album

    To complement the Nirvana poll. Tough one for me, toss up between the first three albums but I'll probably go for Vitalogy.
  5. hibernal_dream


    Still waiting for Black Mirror 2 to come out in English. If it doesn't I might have to learn German :D
  6. hibernal_dream

    The Official Movie Thread

    I've seen it. It took me about 4 or 5 sittings to watch it. I don't think I could take it in one, it's quite oppressive though not as much as Damnation. Werckmeister Harmonies is my favorite of his, I still need to see Family Nest which I haven't got around to watching.
  7. hibernal_dream


    Fighting words indeed. :Smug:
  8. hibernal_dream

    This is a Nick Cave thread

    You're missing out on two of his masterpieces - The Firstborn Is Dead and The Good Son. Nocturama also has some great songs like Bring It On which is one of my faves but the rest of the album is like The Boatman's call so if you like his softer stuff then get it.
  9. hibernal_dream

    We Are The Void

    I think it's great. It's different from anything they have done which is a good sign. And if the studio video is any indication they have taken an even darker direction which gives the title even greater significance.
  10. hibernal_dream

    Anybody here that hates the beatles?

    Their contribution was much like Metallica's Black Album's contribution to metal. Making what the innovators had done and bringing it to a wider audience through their popularity.
  11. hibernal_dream

    Top Film Directors

    Get rid of Kubrick and the asians and add Bela Tarr, Jacques Tati and James Whale.
  12. hibernal_dream

    Worst TV shows

    Metalocalypse. Followed by every crime drama ever made.
  13. hibernal_dream

    The BEST Video Games Ever?

    :zombie: I don't even know where to start with the sheer incorrectness of this statement. I mean, hell, it's like saying that the metal genre started with Trivium. Utter blasphemy! Perhaps here would be a good place: Do not return, pass Go or...
  14. hibernal_dream

    Anybody here that hates the beatles?

    Most overrated band in the history of western music. Hell, throw in eastern, northern and southern in there too!!
  15. hibernal_dream

    Aside from AIC and Mad Season...

    Green River Mudhoney Mother Love Bone All better than Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, who are in turn both better than AIC. Don't forget Neil Young who invented grunge.
  16. hibernal_dream

    Exceptionally Cool Movie Fight Sequences

    Does this count?
  17. hibernal_dream

    The pics thread

    He kinda looks like Klaus Kinski there.
  18. hibernal_dream

    Opeth Discussion

    Cheesy might not be the right word. I'd go with pretentious. They play with a sort of confidence that they're the only band doing this sort of music, when they know perfectly well there's not much that's original about it. It's enjoyable at times, other times it's drawn out and contrived and...
  19. hibernal_dream

    Metal musicians with music degrees

    Classical and elevator music are pretty much on the opposite ends of the spectrum.
  20. hibernal_dream

    Opeth forum will close down?

    No 2nd chances. Samsara, MetalAges and UM have failed, that's all there is to it.