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  1. mirflee

    Midi-Drum Services

    Still open for bookings. Bumping for good luck during this very testing period!
  2. mirflee

    Re-amp DI's, how hot?

    I'm curious to find out how people would track their DI's to re-amp later on in the process. I was always told in practice to keep it between -3db to -6db for extra headroom but there are stems I've downloaded, YouTube videos suggesting to have it just before clipping. Having done that, I found...
  3. mirflee

    Midi-Drum Services

    Hello all, Just looking to put my midi-drums related services out there. Drum programming Editing Velocity/Humanizing Audio to Midi conversion Drum mapping Drum songwriting Here’s a couple of projects I did, If you’re interested, throw me a mail at or PM, that...
  4. mirflee

    Audio Interface to FOH?

    Thanks for the swift response fellas, I'm using a Saffire Pro 24 VRM. It's a fairly decent interface so I'm hoping it won't freak out hum on me. Also, the thought of having 10 DI boxes for my multi-tracks seems a little too much. Thanks again!
  5. mirflee

    Audio Interface to FOH?

    Hey all, This might sound somewhat stupid but I was wondering if it's necessary or an overkill to have the interface's balanced outs through to a DI box before the house's mixer? I'm patching multi-outs stems from Ableton, TRS to XLR cables out from the interface. Thanks!
  6. mirflee

    best daw for recording and mixing audio

    Ableton just got updated. Yay? Nay?
  7. mirflee

    Interface latency sync with DAW?

    I'll try the above suggestions guys and will report back, Thanks again!
  8. mirflee

    LePou's plugins?

    Shame that it's not in 64bit, otherwise, thanks for the links, really appreciate them!
  9. mirflee

    Interface latency sync with DAW?

    That would mean I'd be monitoring direct 'clean' through to the interface. Tried it and it seemed to be way better but I'm not a huge fan of tracking 'dry'.
  10. mirflee

    Interface latency sync with DAW?

    Apologies for not being clear enough with my issues. It's that each time I track guitars/bass/vocals, monitored through plugins (Amplitube ect), it's always off by a few ms even at the lowest buffer setting, I tried to track a simple riff experiment with it myself to see if it could just be a...
  11. mirflee

    Interface latency sync with DAW?

    Is there a tutorial on this or does anyone know of an accurate way to do it? I'm currently using Studio One 3 as my DAW with my Scarlett interface and I'm beginning to find the latency (my drivers are set to the lowest 2-3ms), annoying when it comes to the editing stage. Thanks for reading!
  12. mirflee

    LePou's plugins?

    Ahhh, forgive me, somehow I missed the link! Though the Soldano model's not there, is it because its not out in 64bit format? Apologies again!
  13. mirflee

    which reverb plugin for drums?

    Curious, apologies first for the hijacking this thread, but how would one choose reverb impulses over plugin ones? Is it the same case of guitar amp sims where impulses sounds more 'realistic' as compared to stock plugin cabs? Thanks!
  14. mirflee

    LePou's plugins?

    Hello, Does anybody know where I can get the latest versions of his plugins including the Soldano model in 64bit? Thanks!
  15. mirflee

    Bounce out of SD2.0?

    Hey Machinated, thanks for the quick reply. Anyway, yeah, I'm trying to use the bounce feature in SD2.0 to bounce out my individual tracks that's already processed with SD's plugins. I've only gotten to the point where it's a raw bounce from it. Am I missing something?
  16. mirflee

    Bounce out of SD2.0?

    Yeap, but I'm looking to have the individual but processed tracks instead of a stereo bounce.
  17. mirflee

    Bounce out of SD2.0?

    Hey fellas, quick question, can't figure out a way to bounce tracks out of SD2.0 with all the effects in it. Thoughts? Cheers!
  18. mirflee

    Input gain for hot DI's?

    I have the 18i6. It's interesting though, Misha has his gain turned up right before clipping. Maybe that's because he's running the Axe via line?
  19. mirflee

    Input gain for hot DI's?

    Hello, just a quick question. I'm tracking DI's through the Inst on my Focusrite with gain all set to none. It's relatively peaking at 0dbfs. Studio One has this option where you could control the gain coming from the inputs, would it work the same way as if I'm turning down the gain knob on...
  20. mirflee

    Poor man's Roland SPDS?

    Have you experienced any double triggering or any kind of problems so far?