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  1. Kajor

    The Next Swano Release...?

    that's some very good news. Keep the good work!
  2. Kajor

    Just got hold of the old Swano site saved...

    hello guys... well, i'm a relatively old member... but i'm the guy who uploaded all the mp3's and videos... i still have all the cd's Dan sent me... so... if anyone has a server... i can upload them all again... and maybe there's some files i didn't upload, because of different...
  3. Kajor

    The "Recommend Music" Thread

    i recommend "Misha Calvin", either "Evolution" or "Evolution II" GREAT GREAT HARD ROCK, he's a superb guitar player... and tony martin and ian parry on vocals :kickass:
  4. Kajor

    Nightingale - Live in Moscow Russia 2006?

    thanks a lot tumn, downloading!!!
  5. Kajor

    Nightingale live wish list

    One i missed... Remorse & Regret... i wonder how that would sound in a concert... it must sound great great!!!!!!
  6. Kajor

    Nightingale live wish list

    isn't blood of my enemies a manowar cover??? swano camp! swano camp! unfortunately, i live in the other side of the world, so.... well, the cd's can be played whenever i want hehehe:kickass:
  7. Kajor

    Nightingale live wish list

    hmmm tough decisions Scarred for life Still in the dark A Lesson in Evil Closing Chronicles medley A Raincheck on my demise The Dreamreader Shadowman State of Shock Hideaway Belief Atlantis Rising The Glory Days (the grand finale) cheers
  8. Kajor

    Share your favorite Dan Swanö lyrics of all time!

    "Watching my sister crying in her sleep... one day she will understand..."
  9. Kajor

    Second Sky update!!!

    do you ever sleep Dan?? wow, can't wait to hear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Kajor

    Meat Loaf - Alive

    The new Meat Loaf album is totally a jewel, it rocks a lot! "i'm still alive... it must have been a miracle"
  11. Kajor

    Uncreation EOS demo lyrics

    actually, i think Dan used the uncreation demo riffs on crimson II. it sounds soooo cool. :rock:
  12. Kajor

    White darkness in my hand........

    GREAT GREAT GREAT ALBUM OHHH I'VE BEEN WAITING THIS FOR YEARS!!!! a couple more listens and it will surely be one of my top 5 of 2007 !!! BTW, what does those chinese letters mean???
  13. Kajor

    When you first Heard Dan's Voice

    the first song i listened was "The Dreamreader".... totally awesome, it hooked me up inmediately. the rest is history.
  14. Kajor


    Patchworks for me... ;)
  15. Kajor

    In a perfect world.....

    awesome news!!! i would love to hear a newer version of "The Fibsters Fictionland" or "Tunes for the Stork"... i think "The Weirdest of Tales" demo is the best. Another one could be "Visage" or "Exhibition of Souls".... :D
  16. Kajor

    Unicorn demos

    Hello. I think in the blog you can click the images to view larger size, if you did that, then you've seen the larger size i've got. I don't have larger images, i'm sorry... But you can make a good collage with all those images!! hehehe. Cheers!! [edit: i've checked the blog and you can't...
  17. Kajor

    Unicorn demos

    THE FIBSTERS FICTIONLAND. Hello folks. For all those unicorn fans out there, i have created a blog to share the unicorn demos. Mp3s and artwork is available, among never seen photographs of Unicorn!!!. I hope it's okay with Dan. Feel free to comment and please visit the blog. All the...
  18. Kajor

    Iron Maiden´s new album

    i think maiden has fucked up with this album, the album totally sucks, anyone who will hear it, won't recognize iron maiden here, just pure christian-related songs and tolerance and shit... i find the most stupid thing that the band which came up with "the number of the beast", now is singing...
  19. Kajor


    it hits me when emotional wasteland ends... that phrase of some old radio is so stunning... it's the perfect ending for an amazing album.... "she spoke with true despair".... HOW COOL IS THAT
  20. Kajor

    Best albums of 2006!!!

    Hello! long time no posting!! my best for 2006 are: 1. MEAT LOAF - THE MONSTER IS LOOSE --> he's so fucking great 2. Giuntini Project - III --> great hard rock, great tony martin, great aldo giuntini 3. Falconer - Northwind --> Mathias Blad's comeback, totally superb 4. The Devin Townsend...