Search results

  1. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    12 days left to vote, and your vote can still change a lot in this list!
  2. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    We can still use all the votes we can get. So go for it!
  3. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    You can also vote for your favorite album, though it's only optional.
  4. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    You still have time to cast your vote. Please help us out and keep metal alive!
  5. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    Over de 125 votes now. 23 more days to go. Keep this up!
  6. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    Almost 100 people voted so far. Please help me out with this list by casting your vote!
  7. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    Some bands already seem to have earned their place in the top 100. If you want your favorites to make it as well, help them out by voting!
  8. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    We currently received over 60 votes and over 200 songs already. If you haven't voted yet, please do so!
  9. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    There's a huge diversity in the voting. That's great :)
  10. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    36 people have voted so far. Thanks a lot! If it keeps going like this, we'll have a great list at the end of May. Keep up the good work!
  11. J

    Survey: Vote for the Metal top 100!

    Welcome to all metalheads! We in Belgium have had a very disappointing metal top 100 on the radio. That's why I started this survey. We'd like every metalhead to cast their votes in this list. At the end of May, I'll post the results on the biggest metal communities throughout the internet...
  12. J

    Hi Everyone

    I'm glad I've found this forum. It looks great. Well, what can i say? My real name is Wim. I live in Belgium, and I'm the only student at school that likes heavy metal.