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  1. Bone Daddy

    AC/DC Plug Me In

    maybe just a little... :Smug:
  2. Bone Daddy

    AC/DC Plug Me In

    not to mention cigarettes and alcohol.
  3. Bone Daddy

    2 nights only on US tour - so far

    3 dates in Mexico. time for a vacation
  4. Bone Daddy

    The nerve of this guy...

    You noticed there were no Arizona dates ;)
  5. Bone Daddy

    Who's buying Take Cover?

    I thought Promised Land was good, but you could see the tide turning with the success of "Silent Lucidity"...they got their taste of big time success, and started taking themselves way too seriously and the music has suffered in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I have always thought the...
  6. Bone Daddy

    The nerve of this guy...

    Alimony's a bitch.
  7. Bone Daddy

    Who's buying Take Cover?

    I don't buy cover cds for the most part. As far as seeing them live, I only go with my wife, because she's still a big fan. They lost me after Q2K. I've seen the Mindcrime concerts (again, with my wife), but in my eyes, they're done.
  8. Bone Daddy

    Did Venom really start black metal?

    King got the idea from seeing Alice Cooper. :rock:
  9. Bone Daddy

    UNfriendly debate: "greatest" musicians (ever)

    Great story, and a very good point.
  10. Bone Daddy

    New Exodus

    I love it, the more I listen the more I find to enjoy.
  11. Bone Daddy

    Got any Plans for Halloween?

    ^^ What kid is gonna keep track of where he got what? "Mom, this Snickers came from 5667 Devil's Horns Lane. Let's go sue!"
  12. Bone Daddy

    most underrated band from the sunset strip?

    I believe Junkyard were based in LA for a while, then moved to Austin. EZO are from Japan.
  13. Bone Daddy

    More copies of Run For Cover by Derek Riggs on sale!

    Damn, I've got to get one of these...
  14. Bone Daddy

    New Exodus

    Of course I did. ;)
  15. Bone Daddy

    most underrated band from the sunset strip?

    From your list...Jetboy. You forgot JUNKYARD.
  16. Bone Daddy

    New Exodus

    Rob Dukes owns the Exodus material, especially live.
  17. Bone Daddy

    New Exodus

    If this cd is metalcore, then I'm a fucking supermodel!
  18. Bone Daddy

    New Exodus

    It comes out tomorrow. They were being VERY careful and were trying to not let it leak to the file-shares...and they almost made it.
  19. Bone Daddy

    New Exodus

    Lots of advertising out there for this release, I'm anxious to get my copy TOMORROW, when it hits the stores. ElectricWiz, did you order the copy with the free shirt?