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  1. pac_tang

    the albums in your mother tongue

    Unfortunately I was born Gangsta. Somthin' Wylde H8Breeda Fo'low da reepa' H8 Cru Def Rollz R U Ded yett? BludCRUNK
  2. pac_tang

    Recent Purchases

    This weekend I bought 5 pills of MDMA. 3 Boxes of Soda Bulbs. 16 Tooheys Platinums. My first tattoo (underage aswell lol) $25 worth of weed. A belt. A burger from Aporto McDonalds Hotcakes.
  3. pac_tang


    How do I get it? It's not fake. How can it be fake if it's in their names as "UM Troll Member". There is no way it is fake. I will buy it once I get paid? How much was it again?
  4. pac_tang

    Australia + New Zealand Tour

    All the people at the Brisbane gig mind posting photos of themselves on the site? I have a pretty good memory when it comes to remembering randoms. I was on the left right near the seco's and they are a bunch of fucking wankers. They drove me back like 100 times.
  5. pac_tang


    Someone tell me more about this wonderful thing! I believe it's an absolute must!
  6. pac_tang

    Australia + New Zealand Tour

    ^^^ Hahaha, yeah. Killrazer was hilarious though. Nobody really knew them, so it was fun just to mosh to random shit. My friends and I were just shouting Kill RAZZA! They probably thought we were dicks who didn't know how to pronounce their band name. I blame them for misspelling razor though...
  7. pac_tang


    I am really interested! Where can I find more about this?
  8. pac_tang

    The return of the "How are you today?" thread

    I am feeling sore, due to the concert last night. (Bodom kicked off their Australian tour in Brisbane). My ears are still ringing! Alexi was sick though, he was coughing and spitting all night. And he threw up behind the amps into a bucket. While playing a solo! Anyways, today I plan on...
  9. pac_tang

    Australia + New Zealand Tour

    Hellhounds was played. They closed with Downfall again didn't they? Anyways, my night was insane. I got right infront of Henkka. I waved at him and he smiled and waved back polietly. Later on, I shook his hand. Then he gave my mate a bottle of water. And then he shook my hand once again...
  10. pac_tang

    Australia + New Zealand Tour

    Good job man! That is some excellent luck. I hope to see you tonight if you're going. I will be with two guys with dreds, probably in a Pantera shirt (Seeing as my Inearthed shirt didn't happe:cry:)
  11. pac_tang

    Australia + New Zealand Tour

    I dunno man, your best bet is just hanging around before and after the gig. But if there is a special afterparty then I don't think you have much chance of meeting them after unless you're at the party! Just keep an eye out while you line up or if you're doing something beforehand in the city. I...
  12. pac_tang

    Australia + New Zealand Tour

    ^^ Hide inside a Maori.
  13. pac_tang

    Should I...

    ^^Two weeks I believe. Thanks for all your help overnight. I have been paid. I now have money to spend on merch at the gig tonight. I am so excited it's like 5:47am and there is only 12 hours and 13 minutes until "Doors Open". I love money. The good thing about this though, is I should...
  14. pac_tang

    Australia + New Zealand Tour

    SAMPY ARTICA HOW ARE YOU GETTING IN SO EARLY??? WANT TO LET ME IN EARLY?? PLEASEE!!! HAHAHAHHAHA. I finish work at about 2, so probably won't get in until 3. What do you look like Sampy? I will be with two guys with dreads and probably wearing a homemade Inearthed shirt. Hope to see you there...
  15. pac_tang

    Should I...

    He's some semi-crippled WoW freak.... He's way out of my league!
  16. pac_tang

    Should I...

    Quit my job? Okay, I'm currently working for a Garage Door company and I'm earning like 7.95483 USD an hour... (yay for internet converters). Anyway, I'm meant to get paid fortnightly and well, my pay is now over a week late and I'm getting myself into some serious debt. What are your thoughts?
  17. pac_tang

    List Your Current Injuries

    I have (as far as I know) 1 blister on my thumb from smoking cones with a hot lighter. 3 scratches on my right hand from work. Sore arms from work/ working out. And an ingrown toe nail. I also have a sore ear from smacking myself in the head with a 150kg roller door.
  18. pac_tang

    Australia + New Zealand Tour

    I will try to remember for you. But I usually get caught up in the moment. Lol. ANY BRISBANE PEOPLE WANT TO MEET UP???
  19. pac_tang

    World Of Warcraft Meeting thingy

    Hahaha, if 20 people is alot of people to the Germans how can they still deny the holocaust being genocide.
  20. pac_tang

    Describe the person above you.

    ^^ Makes me a very confused person. ^Makes me postjump like a whore. (I've been away from the forum for quite sometime, when did this Hampster thing happen?)