Search results

  1. EndlessSolitude

    Best Decapitated Album

    Winds of Creation. Landslide.
  2. EndlessSolitude

    Black Metal.

    New Wedard has leaked. I like it. I'd say Einsamer Winterweg is better though.
  3. EndlessSolitude

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    Words is definitely their only good album. The clean passages become so grating over time.
  4. EndlessSolitude

    Black Metal.

    Any ideas on an artist with an equally triumphant feel/sound to that of 'Horn?'
  5. EndlessSolitude


    Let's look at this mathematically. I weigh 62kg. Translated to those stuck in the imperial age as 136.68 Pounds. As if there is such a thing as the "wrong beer" when the alcoholic percentage varies from around 4 - 6% within my beer experiences. With Bourbon being 37 - 40% in alcoholic content...
  6. EndlessSolitude


    I'm not trying to be a hard man here. However, assuming you don't just drink beer solely for the "sweet taste" is it actually possible to get drunk from beer unless alcohol is new to you? I can drink upwards of 12 beers and not feel anything but burpy and bloated. Such a drunken level is just as...
  7. EndlessSolitude

    The REAL football thread.

    *Dive* *Penalty* *Goal* Football/Soccer Always.
  8. EndlessSolitude

    Black Metal.

    SUIZID is right up there.
  9. EndlessSolitude

    The Amesoeurs/Alcest Debacle

    The entire situation just renders the band's material all the more laughable.
  10. EndlessSolitude

    5 worst metal bands of the past decade

    Why take offence to SYL being suggested then?
  11. EndlessSolitude

    The Official Good Television Thread

    Haha, I came in to this thread solely to express my disgust for Lost. Guess the lost Lost lovers beat me to it.
  12. EndlessSolitude

    Black Metal.

    Wish I never bothered to see them live. Doubt I'll ever willingly listen to them again.
  13. EndlessSolitude

    Black Metal.

    Brocken Moon's latest - Das Märchen vom Schnee is good.
  14. EndlessSolitude

    Black Metal.

    Shining is the best and most consistent depressive black metal act today. If you're unable to separate the music, which is what should be first and foremost when determining a band's worth from a member of the band then it is you who is the atrocity to the BM scene. You're playing right into...
  15. EndlessSolitude

    Black Metal.

    Nortt crushes you all, especially Alterpol.
  16. EndlessSolitude

    The food thread.

    Your statistics are irrelevant, fatty. As I stated I was on it for no longer than 3 months. I did not treat it as a long term diet. Seeing as Atkins is essentially the diet of our predecessors that brought us to the evolutionary standpoint that we are at today I am yet to observe any negative...
  17. EndlessSolitude

    The food thread.

    PS. Fatty.
  18. EndlessSolitude

    The food thread.

    Yeah. Losing 20kg. I must be on the verge of a heart attack.
  19. EndlessSolitude

    The food thread.

    Just polished off a steak. Meat is the most satisfying/filling/natural meal. I was on Atkins at the start of last year for about 3 months. Lost 20kg. No Joke. No over exaggeration. Now I'm just bone and muscle.
  20. EndlessSolitude

    Best Rotting Christ material?

    Thy Mighty Contract is the best place to start. Non Serviam and Triarchy of the Lost Lovers are also good. Sanctus Diavolos is also worth checking out.