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  1. ATLA

    Devin Townsend shows you how he records his demo's

    skip to the 2hrish mark. For a lot of us this is biz as usual but i thought it was awesome to watch him work.
  2. ATLA

    EzDrummer post-rock

    is it just me or do the snares sound really choked for some reason? like someone hit the snare then put their hand on it to stop the decay.
  3. ATLA

    So i'll probably get panned for this....

    Disney knows people want the OT style back. Were getting John Wiliams, Kasdan, Hamill, Ford and Fisher (for better or for worse) and what appears to be a fuck ton of goofy puppets and practical effects. I think JJ is going to make help make a movie that is at least better than the PT and judging...
  4. ATLA

    FF VII remake announced (go on... Get excited)

    jeff i believe thats just the old pc ff7 original ported to ios and ps4 by next summer and winter.
  5. ATLA

    Recommend me a game for the next few weeks

    darksouls 1&2 all the way. just in time for bloodborne!
  6. ATLA

    Progressive metal guitar video!

    yeah i didn't touch the velocities that much on this, something that i will take into consideration for next time. the snare I'm using is the default snare, however i did add a hefty amount of compression to the mono room mic in MM. That might also help explain the character difference.
  7. ATLA

    Progressive metal guitar video!

    Thanks! Guitars are tsex50. Snare is metal machine but I can't remember which one it is. I'll check when I get back to my computer.
  8. ATLA

    Progressive metal guitar video!

    Hey guys i made my first guitar play through video! The mix/performance is not perfect by any means but considering I learned everything I know from this forum i figured i would post it here!
  9. ATLA

    What Can Two Dead Men Teach Audio Engineers About Efficiency?

    interesting read! thank you!
  10. ATLA

    Help decide the tone to use on my record! (Axe Fx II vs POD HD content)

    The first tone has much more low end, it suits the material better. That being said i think the second one would sound cool as an affect, ex: solo'd guitars with some kind of phaser/flanger.
  11. ATLA

    Counterparts type band with an unusual mix

    im listening on headphones. guitars seem too creamy and disconnected from the mix on the "chordy" parts but seems to work better on the more chunky sections. the bass also seems very faint at times. i feel like im only hearing the subs on the bass. i really like the drum tones. vocals seem to...
  12. ATLA

    I just released a song of my own, give it a listen!

    Reminds me of Cynic/The Contortionist, great job! what are you using for video editing? final cut or sony vegas?
  13. ATLA

    Is good guitar tone even possible?

    why dont you post something then? i sure there would be a few people here who can help you out.
  14. ATLA

    R.I.P. Robin Williams

    Big part of my childhood. I will always be thankful for the nostalgia he provided! :kickass:
  15. ATLA

    Automating the threshold on a Buss Compressor?

    you could use a more gentle compressor just to keep the quiet parts consistent and keep the ssl on the loud parts for dynamic impact.
  16. ATLA

    Macbook Air

    Ahh we'll that sucks! My current windows PC is running i7 with 8 gigs and having zero issues with the audio work I'm doing. So hopefully the Mbp will hold up similarly.
  17. ATLA

    Macbook Air

    just a heads up best buy is selling a bunch of 2014 mac books pro's on clearance(1699 instead of 1899) to make room for the new models they just released. I ended up getting a 2014 15" i7 retina mbp with 8 gigs of ram(plan on upgrading to 16). If you can see if they have any unboxed floor models...
  18. ATLA

    Ignite Amps + Voger Design: Emissary VST/AU plug-in (KVRDC14)

    Great job! i love the clean channel. combined with some Valhalla verb and i can do the Opeth/Alcest clean tones with ease. Channel two reminds me of the Rhodes Colossus i tried a while back! My only tech issue is that In Reaper when i wave my mouse over the channel 2 hi-mid it moves it without...
  19. ATLA

    Awwww yissssss Opeth

    I agree with you two on most of the material. That being said i think the final track "Faith in others" is a masterpiece.
  20. ATLA

    Awwww yissssss Opeth

    whole thing is on groove shark.!/album/Pale+Communion/9802557 I am definitely enjoying it much more than Heritage. Way more mid era "Opeth" moments.