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  1. crumbling mirth

    Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven

    an extremely good first buy indeed! great review...
  2. crumbling mirth

    A Silver Mount Zion - He Has Left Us Alone...

    wow! lyrically that stuff seems really dark :) and musically i wonder if there are perhaps elements which are parallel to some of the darker passages of mogwai's come on die young. cheers for that review. it was really quite informative and insightful.
  3. crumbling mirth


    i recall them saying they planned to do 4-5 shows in australia. that would perhaps mean shows in sydney, melbourne, brisbane, and canberra/adelaide
  4. crumbling mirth

    faith no more

    true :) admittedly fnm aren't for everyone.
  5. crumbling mirth


    goddamn i'd love to see opeth live. at present they seem to be pretty busy with other plans. but patience may reward us.
  6. crumbling mirth

    faith no more

    sweet. it's cool to get some feedback. i don't know. to me there's just something really compelling about fnm's music. it's timeless music in a way. angel dust to me sounds like it might have been recorded yesterday. i'm into all material that patton has been involved with. but fnm is...
  7. crumbling mirth

    An awesome webzine...

    cheers for posting that link dude. it's good.
  8. crumbling mirth

    faith no more

    haha well you like one track...that in itself is cool :)
  9. crumbling mirth

    faith no more

    any other fnm fans amongst us?
  10. crumbling mirth

    the now playing thread!

    sweet i'm extra keen to hear now :)
  11. crumbling mirth

    now explain your name

    face of melinda
  12. crumbling mirth

    the now playing thread!

    godisanatheist - nope. but i've heard a lot of positive things about that band. what/who do they sound like? :)
  13. crumbling mirth

    This board is going to die soon... no 2 ways about it

    metalman - sweet. i'm starting to understand what you're getting at :) you are urging new people to appreciate that there is a kind of universal respect shared by the existing members. cheers for clarifying that :)
  14. crumbling mirth

    Favorite Bands In Each Category

    i dunno man.
  15. crumbling mirth

    This board is going to die soon... no 2 ways about it

    condescending in the sense that you've made a clear distinction between those of you who were here in the beginning and everyone else. this board hasn't been nurtured so as to evolve into something positive. it's just that it's in its early stages and people who join are bound by a common...
  16. crumbling mirth

    This board is going to die soon... no 2 ways about it

    "Lina, myself, and others have all thrown in our 2 cents worth trying to keep things where they belong. There have been many "pointless" threads, but in saying that, I sound like I'm picking favorites. I feel over time, the longer you're here, you begin to "get it"." that is one of the most...
  17. crumbling mirth

    This board is going to die soon... no 2 ways about it

    personally, i felt that i had something to offer this board. however, it seemed like only a very small minority were at all receptive to anything i had to i gradually lost interest in what was happening :(
  18. crumbling mirth

    Happy Birthday to Melancholia!

    happy birthday melancholia. i send you my warmest birthday greetings.
  19. crumbling mirth

    Dumbest things

    zeanra - haha. yeah, i don't like being in a position where i have no idea how to respond to something someone has said.